Wednesday, October 26, 2016

the red pill

there is a new movie: the red pill. having seen the trailer and read about it, it is about men's issues and rights being largely ignored and unheard over the noise of the feminist movement. men are suffering, they're unhappy, they're losing their identities, they're losing their control as women become more equal. from what i gather there is significant blame put on women and the feminist movement for the suffering of men as it stands today. 

this blame is misplaced.

i am surrounded by men in my life. they outnumber the women in my life by at least 4 to 1. most of them are not happy with their lot in life; though they come across as content with this being the ways things are meant to be. most of them are unhappy with the idea that they have to slave away, do the daily grind, 9-5, for the rest of their lives just to have money to survive. even the wealthy men i know still feel like shit cans to be kicked and ordered around by wealthy ceos. these men are treated well by the women in their lives. they are for the most part happy with their relationships. what makes them unhappy is 'having' to work. having to! being forced to do jobs that don't make them happy because the world is based on having money and we cannot survive without it. they feel like pawns, like puppets in a world run by greed. and they are.

let us take prostate cancer for example. it is the largest cause of death in men, yet, breast cancer gets more attention. thus woman's health is seen as being put ahead of men's health. the sad truth is it's women sexual objectification that is being used here. the only reason we talk and talk and talk about breast cancer is because breasts sell. ads relating to this subject can be and are provocative because it's boobs! where as bums, especially men's bums, are less objectified and seen as something that won't sell. what are they trying to sell? products, pink products, raising money for cancer awareness .. corporate greed, my friends, corporate greed. it's not about male vs female, it's about greed making us all unhappy.

i've no objections to the movie because, no doubt the issues raised (see below quotes) are happening, just as women are sexually assaulted on university campuses, just as young girls are coerced into sexting only to have it shared on the internet, just as very young boys are kidnapped from their homes and forced into camel jockeying, just as more and more young boys are sexually assaulted at school due to the rise in porn. there are all manner of travesties happening in this world. non of which i trivialise because no one issue is more important than the other.

quote "I can't tell you .. how many guys I've talked to who are like yeah she stabbed me and they put me in jail."

quote "just say that he raped you, sexually abused you, and we'll get you the house, we'll get the kids, and it's done quick."

where i do have reservations about the movie is where men lay the blame. with women. with feminism. women wanting equality has lead to an uprising of female control and women are using that control to make men's lives miserable. to that i say: this world is not run by women. this world is not and has not been created by women. women are also mere pawns, puppets in this world of greed. we are all largely unhappy with the status quo. this happening to all of us. women's rights may get more air time while men's issues are kept quiet, that being said women have been kept quiet for thousands and thousands of years. it's time we had a voice. and men should have their voice also.

movies like this that segregate and, i fear, promote a hatred towards another gender will not and do not help the situation. in order for any and all of the many issues to be remedied we need to get together, work together, learn together and figure out how we are going to tackle these issues and meet as many needs as possible. it is not as simple as putting women back in their place and leaving things to be run by men and this will resume the natural order of things. it hasn't worked to date.

Friday, October 14, 2016


when i was young

i thought i would be 'happy' when i grew up. i thought happiness was being adult and getting to 'finally' make your own moves

then i grew up

and realised .. happiness is illusive. remote. some where in the future. non existent. i've been chasing it my whole life: it; him, that, she

only .. to grow up and realise how illusive it is

we grow up with partners, kids, friends and it's still not quite there. no one has yet shown it to me. what does it look like?

in my mind it is: singalongs with guitars and voices; me, others dancing, singing, moving. not stagnant. not irrelevant. for others it is different and yet the same.
story telling. being. someone. something. relevant for the above. happy

my mother, my family, my loved ones .. everyone i can see .. is chasing it. and how can i show it to them when i cannot find it myself. 

once up a time .. when i was young

i thought i'd find it at clubs, with friends, with him .. but no. everyone is chasing it and yet to explain what it looks like.

makes me wonder. what is the point to chasing happiness .. when non exists in how we assume it to be. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

50 shades of wrong

50 shades of grey is 50 shades of wrong. the moral of the story was not 'bdsm is erotic so every one should try it'. the moral of the story was about abuse being passed on from one person to another and how damaging that is.

mr grey had the potential to be a normal well adjusted human being until some older woman got her hands on him and bdsm'd him into a damaged person. he then passed this damage onto his virginal assistant thereby fucking her up for the rest of her life.

there is no erotica in that. only abuse and damage.

yet females talk about this story like: i found the book so erotic, i wouldn't mind someone tying me up ..

the amount of people thinking they wanted to give bdsm a go increased after this book hit the markets without people having any understanding of a few key (vital) points.

1) bdsm has certain rules and codes the parties must adhere to such as a code word for STOP i'm not enjoying this!

2) studies shows that 99% of those who participate in bdsm are using it to deal with sexual trauma of some type. e.g. a female who has been raped now goes into bdsm relationships with men where they are tied up and controlled because this gives her a (false) sense of security. as apposed to having her sexual trauma treated professionally. using bdsm in this way .. she will always remain damaged.

empowerment does not equal control over others. if you have the need to control others you are not in a position of power and what you're doing won't give you that power.

empowerment equals freedom and equality.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

census vs privacy

the census wants to know the current address, the name, sex, date of birth, relationship, marital status, origin, usual address, address one year ago, address five years ago, citizenship, country of birth, where mother and father were born, language spoken, who well english is known, ancestry, religion, how able, any need of assistance, any educational institution, type of educational system, highest level completed, extra certification, highest qualification, completed when, how many live births, total income, their job, self employed or have an employer, incorporated or not, how many people employed, person's occupation, main tasks, business name, workplace address, industry, goods produced, hours worked, transport to work, actively looking for work, unpaid domestic work, unpaid care, unpaid childcare, voluntary work, persons who usually live at dwelling, sex, date of birth or age, origin, relationship, how many bedrooms, what type of dwelling, rented, cost, access the internet, agree to name and address and other information being kept for 99 years, signature.

this is to help with infrastructure: roads, public transport, hospitals, churches, housing, schools ..

one might wonder what has a person's private address got to do with this, what does the birth place of their parents have to do with this, what does their signature have to do with this, their marital status, the full names of their children, where they lived previously, how many births ..

a lot of this information would be available in each municipality via rates, how many students attend local schools, kindergartens, how many children apply and can't fit in, letters and communications written to local councils from residents asking for infrastructure, company tax returns, company registrations and abn's, social security applications, and all manner of government databases of information ..

much of what is requested on the form is highly private information that isn't specifically needed to work out infrastructure such as full name, date of birth and address, place of parents birth, and just like voting in australia it is compulsory or be fined - which is not the democratic way. people should be given a choice if they want to supply this information and if so how much.

this legislation was brought in, in 1905, before anybody alive today even had a choice or a vote and in the act it says in section part II 8A (b) "a person has consented, in accordance with the form, to the information contained in the form being transferred to the custody of the archives under this section;"
it doesn't talk about whether or not a person consents to filling in the form to begin with - just they they HAVE to.

none of it helps with regard to important issues like homelessness (who aren't counted in the census), sexual inequality, porn addiction and the ramifications, lack of decent sex ed, global warming, how many people are apposed to fracking, gm foods, corporate greed, corporate raping of the planet .. all those big key issues the average joe never gets a real say in.

if you're going to collect date keep it impersonal and keep it real. make it about stuff that really matters.

Friday, August 12, 2016

the predator

his perspective is his behavior was normal and nothing out of the ordinary. he did nothing wrong.

her side of the story:
they became friends at work, he seemed ok even though he was into things that made her wonder about him. porn, gonzo porn, said the girls wanna be there and he's not wrong for liking it even if a girl is being hurt. she's wondering if he can still be a decent person if he's into that, or not?
they talked about their relationships. her's was with a manipulative liar who constantly tried to convince her, her forebodings were all in her head. his last relationship had been a while ago. when she spoke of her relationship he was supportive and sympathetic, saying the guy wasn't decent and she could do better.
the thing they talked about most was their views on friendships between males and females. she was saying how she felt (towards him), for e.g. she said it bothered her that females couldn't be friends with males without them expecting it to lead to sex. why couldn't they just genuinely be friends? why must there be conditions. he agreed on all points, saying what she wanted to hear. (she did not know this at the time).
one night there is a work party. she has just split up with her bf and although she understands it's a good move she is yet to come to terms with her new life emotionally. at the party she drinks a little too much, drowning out her sorrows. she thinks she's safe, among friends.
she cries on the shoulders of a few friends that night, including his. after talking for a while he suggests she come back to his place so he can be a shoulder for her lean on. she accepts. at the end of the night they leave together.
back at his place he sits on one chair, she sits on another. he tries a number of different ways to get her to come over to him. eventually bringing her to sit on his knee. she moves away from his advances several times because she feels they're crossing the friendship boundaries, and she's not ready for anything after just spitting up with her bf. she thought he understood this.
the night goes on and he eventually, subtly, physically persuades her to be intimate with him. she can retrace the steps in her mind but still wonders how it happened, how she couldn't get him to notice her rejections. not wanting to be all out rude and say 'i don't want to have sex with you, she worried he'd reject her as a friend. thinking her saying no would ruin their friendship and she still thought he meant the things he'd said and was a decent guy.
so when she found herself in a position of powerlessness, unable to say no, the alcohol reducing her strength and resolve, regretting having gone back to his house, kicking herself for not realising this was his intention all along, she let things happen. though nothing as drastic as intercourse because thankfully she had her period, a reason to say no, even though he kept trying to persuade her to have sex with him anyway, but she wasn't into that.
still he put the moves on and, at one point when she began passing out from tiredness, he woke her by grabbing her hand and shoving it onto his man-thing. wanting her to at least finish him off if she wasn't going to put out.

they met at a park a day or so later after and he kept trying to hug and kiss her while she kept pulling away, telling him she only wants to be friends and hopes the other night doesn't ruin their friendship. over the course of a few days he starts being quite in-her-face. doing things like pulling her into him for a hug, grabbing her as she passes him, wanting to visit her place or have her visit him. as memories of the other night came back to her, along with his actions since, she begins to realise he's trying to force the situation and acting entitled because it's not falling into place.
she eventually talks to him about his actions on the night, telling him how she feels about him having crossed the friendship line and feeling that he's deliberately ignoring her rejections even though she's being clear about not wanting him in that way. at work he begins to make snide remarks to others as well as being outright antagonistic with her. saying disparaging things about girls in the sex industry and how they're asking for it. she begins to see another side of him and realises he was just playing the part of nice guy.

when he eventually hears here version of that night, that he took advantage of her after her breakup with her bf, played upon her drunken state and ignored her protestations, he is taken aback. he fell into victim role telling others that she was accusing him of being sexual predator and how she was threatening to call the police on him. she wonders how the story got so convoluted while thinking 'but you are a sexual predator, you just don't see it. you pray upon vulnerable girls and have no issue with it, even after they tell you how the situation made them feel'.

and she wanted to believe that a guy into gonzo porn could still be a decent person but this guy made it all about himself and his sexual entitlement. she was female, she has a vagina, she was in the same room as him, therefore she owes him and there is nothing wrong with his actions, even though she tried to push him away and move away from him several times and say no. what he heard was yes because i'm male, you're female, and the girls in porn want it so give it to me.

are you a sexual predator?

Thursday, June 16, 2016

the absence of god and the divine woman

there you are, 10 years of age, living in the ghetto, about to purchase your first hand gun. you're not thinking 'what would my dad say if he knew' because your dad has been gone for years. left your mum while you were young because he didn't fancy family life and wanted something more .. no responsibility. 
you don't care what your mum thinks either because she's the reason you're in this mess. her giving birth to you and not being somebody your dad wanted to stay with is the reason you're living in poverty with no means of escape. her working long hours in low paying work, leaving you alone for hours a day is the reason you need to buy a hand gun. the local gangs are harassing you and you've had enough and want to be able to stand up to them.
you make your purchase, take your shot and life as you knew it, as crap as it was, is over. now you live in a detention center for wayward boys. 

and that's how much of the world works now that god has left us to live in the heavens (where man/religion put him) instead of living among us. once upon a time we were told god is everywhere, watching us, taking note of our actions. yet just like an absent dad his dissatisfaction has become irrelevant. his punishment is irrelevant. he no longer exists in our world and has become some outer worldly being, watching yet never intervening.

even priests who practice man's religion based on their 'supposed' belief in god do not care about god's dissatisfaction or punishment. why else would priests molest children if they really truly believed in an all powerful being who will cast them down into the pits of hell for recklessly causing harm to another human being? repent? really? what for? because you know your father has abandoned you and his punishment is irrelevant. 

even priests who practice man's religion do not care about god's disbelief in greed, gluttony, coveting. there is loads of that going on in the vatican and there has been for a great many many years among religions. and what of god's punishment for them? it doesn't matter because these guilty men pretend they'll repent on their death bed's and all will be forgiven - because suddenly god is real and merciful even though he stands idle and does nothing while man sins. 

god can't reach us from the heavens.

it's much the same for the divine woman. she has been banished and portrayed as a sinner (while man sins). she has been reduced to whore, witch, the weaker sex, irrelevant in the scheme of things because man and god rule. she is seen as the cause of the problem. the reason humanity is in this mess. her giving birth, being a temptress and getting pregnant. the divine woman is no longer seen as a blessing, the blessing of life. she is no longer seen as divine in her powers to love and nurture and be all knowing about nature. while god has been punished to the heaves, unable to watch over his children in any meaningful parenting way, the divine woman is cursed and hated for having existed and made everything wrong with her sinful ways. 

man will continue to suffer for as long as we keep god at a distance and pretend our actions do not matter. the reality is our actions are being watched, he notices and his opinions matter, just as that of a loving father. same with the divine woman who birthed the people and nurtures them as best she can no matter how we rebel. 

to be born is to be guardians of the earth and all that inhabit it.

Friday, May 20, 2016

lacigreen & sex objects

i'll cut straight to the chase. the comments on her video are disturbing. the amount of people who just don't get it.

people saying laci is blaming men and screaming patriarchy, how one sided the video is, how no one is talking about male objectification, males deaths in wars vs female deaths, more men in jail, how men are acting on predatory instincts for survival of the species, the video isn't sex positive ..

but this quote is my favourite

"There are no evil geniuses twirling their mustaches and thinking of ways to manipulate the minds of people into buying some twisted image of the world."

ummm .. yes there are! that is the biggest fuck of it all!

this isn't about men vs women, this isn't about blaming men and all men suck coz there is female objectification. this is being done to all of us. men and women, gays and hetros, transgender, race, religion, status .. ALL OF US!

if anyone is naive enough to think there are not evil geniuses manipulating our minds i put to you a few things that we know are happening and you can thus be educated to see that, in fact, there are.

  • we are lied to about our food being safe,
  • we are lied to about needing factoring farming coz there are too many people and we need to produce vast amounts of food to fee them,
  • we are lied to about there not being enough food to feed everyone,
  • we are lied to about what is really causing global warming,
  • we are lied to about money and finances,
  • we are lied to about chemicals in our food and products being necessary and not harmful,
  • we are lied to about the slaves who make almost everything we purchase,
  • we are lied to about the war on drugs while pharmaceutical drugs are shoved down our throats,
  • we are lied to about taxes (corporate vs us) and the great american dream,
  • we are lied to about not having enough money for free education and health care,
  • we are lied to about illegal immigrants and those large corporations who knowingly and illegally employ them without facing charges,
  • we are lied to about not having enough money for everyone to live comfortably,
  • and we are lied to about our gender roles and our sexuality.
  • we are lied to about a great many things.

  • and the people telling us those lies are greedy corporations who want to keep us divided (man vs woman), drugged (prescription drugs, porn), and ignorant (no free education). it just so happens that majority of rich greedy assholes are men but it's not that men suck coz of that, if they were (and some are) rich greedy women they suck too. it is greed that is the issue here an greed alone. not men, not women, not gays, not mexicans.... the greedy!

    greed is the enemy and for as long as we're fighting over why they (those rich greedy fuckers) should be allowed to objectify women to make themselves more money, instead of not buying into their bullshit (what the bs stands for on laci's vid), we will always be divided and they will always be winning.

    Thursday, May 19, 2016

    the australian government should ..

    the australian government should embrace a number of policies other countries have introduced.

    1) they should decriminalise drugs like portugal have and give those addicted to drugs free help as part of their treatment plan

    2) they should employ the swedish model to decrease the demand in sex workers and trafficking

    3) they should convict and jail any corportate criminals that ruin the lives of others through greed like iceland did

    4) they should back australian's and ban fracking as other countries have done

    5) they should embrace the cuban way of living as a way of dealing with their oil crisis (before we have an oil crisis of our own)

    6) they should give their citizens free education as is done in europe

    7) they should ban monsanto (gmo) the way other countries have done

    8) they should ban pesticides and other chemical farming and embrace and promote growing organic they way cuba have done

    9) they should consider making pornography illegal the way some countries have done (especially the access of gonzo porn) and if not making it illegal then make it only accessable via payment / account / password

    10) they should ban the use of chemicals in cosmetics the way europe have done

    Thursday, May 12, 2016


    yes or no? i've been accused of being judgmental, that is: the act of assuming something about a person based on something about them. i'm not really judgmental, as in opinions aren't set in stone, i don't force my opinions one others - only explore them, and i don't dislike a person upfront. i'm willing, and most often do, give people the benefit of the doubt.

    i don't judge others against gay marriage however i do believe it's an acceptable thing we need to fully explore. i don't judge others who are overweight though i do think this is something we need to fully explore. i don't judge others for taking their clothes off although i do thinks this is something we need to fully explore. i don't judge religion, gender, race, societal standing, looks ..

    when i say there is an issue with objectifying women i don't mean that men who enjoy a look-see are a bunch of brainless douches who need to have their penises chopped off. when i say rihanna and the like are playing with fire i don't mean that females who do that are lower than or less than.

    it might surprise people to know the underlining processes behind my views.
    firstly, we're told it's necessary and needed and a normal part of being human (men need it, women want to be it). that it is understandable and perfectly ok [to objectify women]

    • if a female is coerced, forced, drugged, verbally persuaded, has money held over her head, held against her wishes, is not making an open, free choice
    • if a female is raped, hurt, tortured, permanently mentally or pshycally damaged
    • if a female is verbally abused, demeaned, put down, called names
    i'm yet to understand how that is perfectly ok ??
    • if a man knowingly enters the situation knowing any of the above to be the case - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knowingly watches when the above is the case - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and doesn't give a shit - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and thinks it should because women are pieces of shit to be used and abused - how is that perfectly ok?
    • if a man profits off the above happening - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and stands back and does nothing, while claiming to be one of the good guys - how is that perfectly normal?
    unless you're telling others to respect their toys / entertainment [how some men see women] / or lose them, why are you in it and ok with that?

    it's not good enough just to say women have the right to work in the industry therefore men have the right to accept their offerings .. while awful things are happening within the industry and you've got your head in the sand. how is that perfectly normal?
    how is it that someone is being judgmental when their view is based on a person's welfare? are you watching women in the industry because you're looking out for their welfare?

    i'm not saying you're an asshole for wanting to see raunchy, seductive, sensual, naked women .. yet i have a hard time with a person who engages in something that ultimately hurts women somewhere in the world - no matter what .. saying their actions are perfectly normal because women have a right to be there.

    Friday, April 29, 2016

    rihanna you doink

    just hurry up an make a porn movie already. it's obvious you want to. we see you writhing around like a strip show in your video kiss it better. so just get it over with already. become that porn star you've always wanted to be with your sex in the air and your whips and chains. just keep it adult only instead of putting it out there in video clips that young people see and hear.

    Thursday, January 7, 2016

    pro sex work

    i never use to be anti porn / prostitution / strippers when i was young. back then i was only concerned with how unequal the 'sex sells' motto was. how unnecessary and unequal the scene was in the movie devils advocate where the woman walks completely naked towards the camera. the same with the denzel movie flight. this crap happens all the time and i always new it was unfair and a lie that sex sells only to men because they're more visual.

    i was concerned with how hypocritical it is for people to harp on about how offensive it is for women to breast feed in public while accepting the use of a nude photo of a pregnant woman, breasts and all, in the local newspaper to promote an upcoming genetic conference. when i complained to the aba about this they rejected my concerns saying they didn't find the picture offensive.

    lack of equality in media
    i use to be pro sex work and sex industry way back when i was young and naive and didn't know what i know now. i'd glimpsed porn at a friend's house coz her bf was into in and found the story lines ridiculous, the men vulgar and brutish and the whole thing made me feel creepy, like i was some peeping tom. let's face it, if i walked in on a friend and her bf having sex i wouldn't stand around watching. i'd be invading their privacy. watching porn feels the same way to me. so while i wasn't against it porn wasn't something i liked.

    i use to think it was a choice women made much like choosing to work at mcdonalds for low wages. some job you did, like check out chick or waitressing, while waiting to get the job you really want.

    i use to think it was pro choice to work in the sex industry (because that's what i was told). that is was more widely acceptable now days, less ostracised, less looked down upon, and some part of women being allowed to show and own their sexuality.

    i use to also believe men wanted the sexy women they see on tv, in magazines, in the media, in porn. that this was their ideal woman and they would be proud and respectful to have a gf like that. i use to believe i needed to be that sexy woman in order to appeal to the opposite sex.

    then i grew up and went out into the real world, did studies, interviews, first hand accounts, read other people's work on the subject and realised the sex industry is far more sick than it appears.

    when i learned of things like gonzo porn and girls having prolapsed anuses due to brutal anal sex on camera and people keenly desiring to view that shit, when i learned of awful things like the harlem struggle and making a girl gag and vomit while giving head, when i learned that strippers were frequently belittled, mocked, insulted, sexually harassed and groped, when i realised how unsafe the sex industry (prostitution) is, how lucrative it isn't (so that those in the industry have very little means to escape), how brutal it is because toads want the women to perform gonzo acts, and ALL this leads to an increased demand in sex trafficking .. i changed my view completely on the sex industry as a whole.

    none of these things empower women. none of these things better our world, give us more equal opportunity to become ceo's or president or astronauts, none of this betters us as individuals because females have embraced their sexuality (it's a lie), and none of this teaches our daughters to strive for better, to like themselves and view themselves as more than mere sex objects for men to own and consume.

    what i did learn is that sexual objectification of women in the media leads to an increase in females sexualising themselves coz they think this is what it is to be female, which leads to men wanting more, demanding more and consuming more and more women sexually. it's a vicious cycle we need to end and we need to end it by
    1) females not buying into the sexy lie
    2) men not purchasing females for sex