Friday, February 27, 2015

are you really a good person

when you speak to people and ask them if they think they're a good person, a caring person, a descent person, most will say yes. they think because they care for their friends and family, defend their family, look after their children, wives, husbands, pets. brothers, sisters etc. that they're good people. they think they're the kind of people who don't deserve to go to prison or be prosecuted and at the end of the day their head hits the pillow and they sleep easy at night.

those same people may do any of the following:
watch animal crush videos, watch child porn, watch porn in general (dehumanizing), bet on race horses that are fed drugs to make them better yet damages their bone structure and health, watch dog / cock fights, verbally coerce girls into having sex with them when they don't want to, go to a party and let others rape a drunk girl, try to have sex with a sleeping girl, hate muslims, hate other races, hate gays, hate sluts, abuse members of their families, cyber bully, visit asian child sex brothels, talk about raping girls who friend zone them, bet on camel races that use child slaves, want to take exs for all their money, use the children as leverage to hurt each other in a divorce, lie and back-stab other people, accept factory farming and animal abuse, rape and pillage the earth for profit, rape and pillage the community and people for a profit .. the list goes on. the list of ALL the things we people do in a day, accept in a day, don't fight in a day, and still class ourselves as descent citizens.

i put it to you that you aren't nearly as descent or a good a person as you think you are. in fact you're really just another asshole swimming in a fetid sea with other putrid assholes. and those assholes make you feel less of an asshole because they're just as shit as you are.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

porn and you

it isn't fun being me. isn't fun being the only one among my friends who is outspoken about the damage of porn. the only one who can see it for the bullshit it really is. my friends say things like 'the girls choose to be there for the money and stuff so why is it wrong to watch it'. most men i know with wives and daughters would hate for either to say they want to be a porn star yet see it as ok to watch someone else be one. if i told my friends i was a porn star, aside form thinking i'm a hypocrite, many would judge me as less than. my family would disown me even though i'd hazard a guess that some have watched porn in their life time. men who are interested in porn would suddenly take the wrong kind of interest in me, assume i'm no longer human and up for anything and everything. in the very least ask about my movies and hope to see them. yet they'd hate for females they know to be in the industry. is it ok to accept an industry you wouldn't want to do yourself or have others you know take part? i don't think so.

then again being the type to want someone you know to be in the industry, like dads who pimp their children out as child porn victims, trafficking your girlfriends or pimping out your girlfriends so you can make money isn't ok either. it isn't being open minded if you're doing it for ulterior motives, like bragging to you mates about your girlfriends job, or hurting the person just to make profit.

for the most part noone really chooses to be a porn start. little girls don't grow up saying i want to be porn star when i grow up. those who choose this industry do so because they're desperate for money. being desperate for money makes your actions a decision not a choice. many in the industry are abused, hurt, tortured and dehumanized. anyone thinking it ok to support this industry by watching, buying and sharing it is an asshole of a human being and needs to understand the repercussions of buying into this industry. an industry they don't want their own loved ones doing, an industry that hurts those they're watching. buying into this makes them not a nice person no matter how decent a person they think they are.

yet my friends don't get this. they think i'm a prude, that i'm judging them for liking porn, that i think i'm better than them because i don't buy into it. i'm not a prude, i don't dislike people who like porn - i just wish i could make them see it's not an descent humanitarian thing to be into, to do to others, and i kind of do think i'm better than them .. better educated at least. because i know shit about the sex industry they all choose to ignore.

friends grow distant because my views offend them (only because they know they're guilty of buying into it, or know someone who knows someone. we all know someone) but the bigger picture is girls are hurt and damaged by this industry and if we are really descent human beings we wouldn't allow that to happen by purchasing or viewing the shit.