Thursday, November 29, 2018

eloise monaghan is nothing but a pimp

she uses female sexploitation to make her millions and calls it 'empowerment'.  the only ones empowered are the people making money from the sale of sexualised female bodies ie. eloise monaghan.  and this makes her a pimp, selling out her sisters for her own personal gain (40million gains).  it's bad when men do it and 100 times worse when women do it to other women.

it is not the female porn stars who are empowered by pornography (filmed prostituion / porna = prostitute, graphy = documentation) - it is the pimps and creeps who make the porn.

it is not the females who work in strip clubs who are empowered - it is the person who owns the venues making all the money.

it is not the women who appear in mens mags who are empowered - it is the men who sell the magazines (ie. hugh hefner and how rich he became when very few of his models ever became as rich and powerful as him).

it is not the prostitutes who are empowered - it is the johns who get to have their way with them and the pimps who profit from dis-empowered women (females/girls).

remember that the females caught up in the sex are there because they ran out of money and options.  that is NOT empowerment!

a man inventing the bikini and females embracing them is not empowering for women - it is the companies who profit from the sale of skimpy swimwear who are in power.

a man inventing high heels for women is not empowering for women - they are seriously bad for our feet and our backs.  it is the companies who profit from the sale of this patriarchal concept who are in power.

sure women love bikinis and high heels, we see them as freeing and sexy.  but think for a moment.  if women had ruled the world would be have created such things for ourselves?  why embrace these concepts invented by men to pornify us?  why?

a great way to know if it's empowering is to see who's lining up to do it.  are men lining up to appear in the pornified images eloise uses - as those who are undressed?  is elose herself lining up to appear in these images?  is donald trump?  are men clamoring to be seen in bikinis?  are men clamoring to wear high heels?

chances are if eloise appeared in her company images she'd lose credibility among her male colleagues.  why?  not because they would be threatened by her empowerment but because they know and see it for what it really is; dis-empowerment.

many women who work in the sex industry refer to their work as empowering.  had a convo with a lady from a strip club who said she liked having control over men.  needing to control others for your own power is not empowerment.  it is more proof you never had any power to begin with.  and being sexualised is not empowerment, otherwise women would rule the world!!!!

being sexualised is merely a form of sexism.  that is all and nothing more.  as soon as women see this for what it really is the sooner we can put a stop to it and find our own true form of sexual liberation.  one that didn't come from men telling us what our own sexual liberation should look like (funny how it looks like serving them ..)

imagine .. true sexual liberation where we are completely free to be our true sexual selves without being sexualised for the profit and gain of others.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

is hip hop the worst music ever?

i can't stand african american music. as soon as i hear any hip hop song i assume it's all sexist bullshit and not worth my listening.

yes .. i have labelled all african american music, singers, artists (if you can call them that) sexist.

yes .. as soon as i hear an african american man singing i assume his song is sexist.

this is because majority of the time it is .. and the video clips! gag! worst thing ever!!

women are referred to as: pussy, bitch, whore (ho), sit on this, suck on that .. blah blah blah - sorry stopped listening because all you're singing about is shit!

all the songs are about him having cash, pussy, cars, drugs ..

well sorry dude but the one thing you don't have is equality so tell me again how your sex, drugs and cash make you awesome?

any man who's going to cash up himself at the expense of female sexuality is a loser in my book. that is not real success. it's more down trodden bullshit while he pretends he's all that.

supposedly white folk are instrumental in this portrayal of women. they love to go to concerts and buy the music and watch the pornified video clips. guess white privlage pays for the mistreatment and disrespect of coloured women ..

and black men are right up there beside the white men letting it happen and profiting off the misfortune of their female brethren. as for where women of colour sit in all this .. i don't know? do they like it? does it please them? are they happy about their lot? do they think it's sexual freedom and equality? are they buying into the sexist bullshit too?

p.s. i know there are other genres of music that also profit from sexualising women. don't like any music that does that.

we are mere ants, following all the other ants in their bullshit way of living

Sunday, June 24, 2018

train story - creepy dude picking up chicks

just nights after eurydice dixon was raped and murdered i was talking with my beau about it. i made three comments to which he replied "you need to get a job". meaning i was talking about it too much and needed to get a job to have something else to do / talk about.

i was fuming.

1. it's a very insulting thing to say to someone and belittles and invalidates my concerns.
2. the fear is real!
3. i was going out that night and there's always the concern that i could be the one getting raped and murdered

coming home that night on the train at 3.30am there were about a dozen people on the carriage. thankfully i was not intoxicated and had my wits about me. 

i had been sitting on a two seater with my legs across the spare seat playing games on my phone. after a while i changed positions, crossing my legs and leaning towards the large window to my right. no sooner had I moved a man got up from across the carriage and came and sat beside me. not just beside me, practically on my lap!

i continued to play games on my phone, keeping my legs crossed and arms across my body. self protection.

he started talking to me asking questions: where i was going, where i had been .. 
he was jeeva, 32, from pakistan, average looking, drab clothing, been in australia for 8 years, single, no kids, finished work at 6pm, had been playing the pokies and was heading home. he was, he said, getting off several stops before mine but when his station came he did not get off.

he was not threatening or menacing and i didn't feel fear, though i did feel annoyance since trains are not the place to try and pick up women, and also because he was sitting too close to me. i was more concerned he would try to touch me and at one point he reached out to touch my leg and i pushed his hand away.

he asked me a couple of times if he could see me again and i said no, not going to happen .. all the while playing games on my phone, doing my best to not engage - lest he get the wrong impression. but also trying not to piss him off in case he became aggressive.

others around me said and did nothing, except for a young woman behind me who had the decency to ask me if i was ok or needed any help. i graciously thanked her for her intervention and concern. 

jeeva stopped talking to me but didn't move seats.

i asked the man in the seat in front of mine, who was falling asleep, what his stop was so i could wake him so he wouldn't miss it. turns out he (and the kind woman behind me) were thankfully getting off at my stop. phew!

as we departed the train the man who had been sitting in front of me said, 'i see you've made a friend' in a wry tone, i replied 'something like that' equally wry.

i got off and made sure to watch as jeeva remained on the train. then i walked out onto the street, phoned a taxi and had to wait 10mins until it arrived. shivering, teeth chattering.

back home i told my beau all about it and told him he's lucky. as a man ain't no woman gonna sit upon his lap (practically) and try to pick him up. he doesn't have to fear her getting off at the same stop as him and raping and / or murdering him.

he apologised for his words earlier acknowledging that the fear is real!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

who she'd become #2

what had her life become?

how did she get here?
"letting the days go by"
"this is not my beautiful life!"

caught in a vicious cycle of
alone daydreaming & ..
"..with a little help from my friend"

the same for multiple weekends
again and again and again

but ..

a dance is on the cards

she'll dance any which way she can

alone in her room
with her music on

who she'd become

She didn't like who she'd become
sitting alone in her room
music on
drinks a plenty & stuff
lipstick on
She was out dancing
Oh what fun she’d have
Swaying & groovin’

She was alone in her room’
Listening to music
Dancing here & there
Daydreaming ..
She was out dancing

Daydreaming depressed her
It was not as fun as
The real thing
Really dancing!
So she drank a plenty & stuff
To drown out her sorrows

Monday, January 1, 2018

the evolution of nudity

around 7 million years ago we separated from our chimpanzee cousins with whom we share 98.4% of our genetics.  by the time neanderthals came along 100,000 years ago we were wearing clothes, even more so by the time cro-magnon came along.

as we evolved with bigger brains, smarter tools, clever inventions, large cities .. clothing became a necessary thing for survival.  not just to protect us from the elements but also protect us from each other.  even those who live in hot climates still wear some form of protective clothing such as loin cloths and basic skirts to protect / hide the groin area.

think about it, if any man, woman or child walked through our populations naked they'd be harassed in some form or another, maybe people would take photos of them without their permission and post them on facebook pages like 'festival sluts' (yes pages like that exist), maybe people would try to grab and grope them or covet them.  either they'd be seen as inappropriate, offensive or sexual.

over thousands of years humans developed clothing to protect us from unwanted and unwarranted attention from those with whom we have not pair bonded.  we pair bond, just like other animals such as birds and gibbons, with kindred spirits whom we feel comfortable enough with to raise children together with or spend the rest of our lives with (until divorce or death do us part).  without clothing we'd not be giving that person something special and personal of ourselves with which to bond.  sex and nakedness with our chosen partner(s) is what ties us together, what bonds us to each other and makes us want to protect and look after each other.

since the 70's sexual revolution man has decided that he'll grant us (females) the freedom to be sexual on his terms, by making female sexual revolution about females as sex objects for man's enjoyment.  women are highly sexualised and this is also becoming more prevalent of men as well.  so in the space of under 50 years we have changed thousands and thousands of years of evolutionary survival (clothing), to humans (mostly females) wearing very little i.e: bikinis, free the nipple, pornography, music videos, lads mags, strip shows .. the list goes on.

it's no wonder we haven't been able to cope with the fall out from this occurrence, less than 50 years is not enough time to get our heads around such a dramatic change to our very being.  the very act of removing our clothing threatens our survival (in particular the safety of women and children).

for e.g. i worked with a man who liked to watch russian women do sexual things with horses and he'd laugh about how their abject poverty was the reason they were so desperate to do horrendous things like that.  in cases like this pornography is harmful to women and threatens our safety.  

in countries such as germany men and women can attend public spas together naked and say this is progressive, open and accepting of nudity, yet violence towards women is still rife there, as is sexual objectification, prostitution etc.  it hasn't lead to women being on equal footing to men or being more safe because they are equally allowed to be naked around men.  quite the opposite in fact: since prostitution is legal in germany sex trafficking is rampant because the need for male sexual gratification is rising along with financial greed (by those trafficking people).

as objectification of the masses rises the list of offenses towards humanity (and animals caught in the cross fire) also rises.  there are a million and one examples that could be given about the damage being done to humanity due to the sexualisation of people, and there are people who would argue that we are being progressive and accepting of sexuality by allowing sexual vulgarities to take place.  

but you can't change thousands and thousands of years of evolution in under 50 years and expect people to be able to cope, especially something so key to our safety and survival as the humble invention of clothing.  think: sex addiction, fairly new to our society and only occurring in countries where objectification of people occurs.