Friday, May 20, 2016

lacigreen & sex objects

i'll cut straight to the chase. the comments on her video are disturbing. the amount of people who just don't get it.

people saying laci is blaming men and screaming patriarchy, how one sided the video is, how no one is talking about male objectification, males deaths in wars vs female deaths, more men in jail, how men are acting on predatory instincts for survival of the species, the video isn't sex positive ..

but this quote is my favourite

"There are no evil geniuses twirling their mustaches and thinking of ways to manipulate the minds of people into buying some twisted image of the world."

ummm .. yes there are! that is the biggest fuck of it all!

this isn't about men vs women, this isn't about blaming men and all men suck coz there is female objectification. this is being done to all of us. men and women, gays and hetros, transgender, race, religion, status .. ALL OF US!

if anyone is naive enough to think there are not evil geniuses manipulating our minds i put to you a few things that we know are happening and you can thus be educated to see that, in fact, there are.

  • we are lied to about our food being safe,
  • we are lied to about needing factoring farming coz there are too many people and we need to produce vast amounts of food to fee them,
  • we are lied to about there not being enough food to feed everyone,
  • we are lied to about what is really causing global warming,
  • we are lied to about money and finances,
  • we are lied to about chemicals in our food and products being necessary and not harmful,
  • we are lied to about the slaves who make almost everything we purchase,
  • we are lied to about the war on drugs while pharmaceutical drugs are shoved down our throats,
  • we are lied to about taxes (corporate vs us) and the great american dream,
  • we are lied to about not having enough money for free education and health care,
  • we are lied to about illegal immigrants and those large corporations who knowingly and illegally employ them without facing charges,
  • we are lied to about not having enough money for everyone to live comfortably,
  • and we are lied to about our gender roles and our sexuality.
  • we are lied to about a great many things.

  • and the people telling us those lies are greedy corporations who want to keep us divided (man vs woman), drugged (prescription drugs, porn), and ignorant (no free education). it just so happens that majority of rich greedy assholes are men but it's not that men suck coz of that, if they were (and some are) rich greedy women they suck too. it is greed that is the issue here an greed alone. not men, not women, not gays, not mexicans.... the greedy!

    greed is the enemy and for as long as we're fighting over why they (those rich greedy fuckers) should be allowed to objectify women to make themselves more money, instead of not buying into their bullshit (what the bs stands for on laci's vid), we will always be divided and they will always be winning.

    Thursday, May 19, 2016

    the australian government should ..

    the australian government should embrace a number of policies other countries have introduced.

    1) they should decriminalise drugs like portugal have and give those addicted to drugs free help as part of their treatment plan

    2) they should employ the swedish model to decrease the demand in sex workers and trafficking

    3) they should convict and jail any corportate criminals that ruin the lives of others through greed like iceland did

    4) they should back australian's and ban fracking as other countries have done

    5) they should embrace the cuban way of living as a way of dealing with their oil crisis (before we have an oil crisis of our own)

    6) they should give their citizens free education as is done in europe

    7) they should ban monsanto (gmo) the way other countries have done

    8) they should ban pesticides and other chemical farming and embrace and promote growing organic they way cuba have done

    9) they should consider making pornography illegal the way some countries have done (especially the access of gonzo porn) and if not making it illegal then make it only accessable via payment / account / password

    10) they should ban the use of chemicals in cosmetics the way europe have done

    Thursday, May 12, 2016


    yes or no? i've been accused of being judgmental, that is: the act of assuming something about a person based on something about them. i'm not really judgmental, as in opinions aren't set in stone, i don't force my opinions one others - only explore them, and i don't dislike a person upfront. i'm willing, and most often do, give people the benefit of the doubt.

    i don't judge others against gay marriage however i do believe it's an acceptable thing we need to fully explore. i don't judge others who are overweight though i do think this is something we need to fully explore. i don't judge others for taking their clothes off although i do thinks this is something we need to fully explore. i don't judge religion, gender, race, societal standing, looks ..

    when i say there is an issue with objectifying women i don't mean that men who enjoy a look-see are a bunch of brainless douches who need to have their penises chopped off. when i say rihanna and the like are playing with fire i don't mean that females who do that are lower than or less than.

    it might surprise people to know the underlining processes behind my views.
    firstly, we're told it's necessary and needed and a normal part of being human (men need it, women want to be it). that it is understandable and perfectly ok [to objectify women]

    • if a female is coerced, forced, drugged, verbally persuaded, has money held over her head, held against her wishes, is not making an open, free choice
    • if a female is raped, hurt, tortured, permanently mentally or pshycally damaged
    • if a female is verbally abused, demeaned, put down, called names
    i'm yet to understand how that is perfectly ok ??
    • if a man knowingly enters the situation knowing any of the above to be the case - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knowingly watches when the above is the case - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and doesn't give a shit - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and thinks it should because women are pieces of shit to be used and abused - how is that perfectly ok?
    • if a man profits off the above happening - how is that perfectly normal?
    • if a man knows this shit is happening and stands back and does nothing, while claiming to be one of the good guys - how is that perfectly normal?
    unless you're telling others to respect their toys / entertainment [how some men see women] / or lose them, why are you in it and ok with that?

    it's not good enough just to say women have the right to work in the industry therefore men have the right to accept their offerings .. while awful things are happening within the industry and you've got your head in the sand. how is that perfectly normal?
    how is it that someone is being judgmental when their view is based on a person's welfare? are you watching women in the industry because you're looking out for their welfare?

    i'm not saying you're an asshole for wanting to see raunchy, seductive, sensual, naked women .. yet i have a hard time with a person who engages in something that ultimately hurts women somewhere in the world - no matter what .. saying their actions are perfectly normal because women have a right to be there.