Thursday, August 25, 2011


Watched a TV interview with a pedophile. He was saying there is a different between pedophiles and child molesters. His claim: a pedophile is someone who is attracted to and loves children much the same way a man is attracted to a women. A molester is someone who rapes and sexually assaults children without their consent.
He claimed to have never touched a child in his life, even though he has strong attractions to them.  He seemed to think peds are born this way and had written a book teaching child lovers (those who love children) how to woo a child and get them to love you and want to be in a relationship with you. Like some successful guide to romance book for pedophiles. Sends chills down my spine.

This man had been raped by his babysitter when he was a very young boy and it had scarred him deeply. He was not happy about the rape and got tears in his eyes when he thought back on it. He was not feeling like he was in a relationship with his babysitter. He might argue that she hadn’t wooed him, hadn’t asked him if he wanted to be in a relationship in the first place and that’s where the damage was done. That is a cop out. Even if she had asked him and wooed him and done all the right things, or if not her because he didn’t love her but anther, the outcome would still be the same. He would still be a deeply scarred and traumatized man.
The reported delved into his history but didn’t ask him the hard questions about whether he’d have liked to be wooed as a child.

As a little girl I had crushes on adult movie stars. If any of them had asked me would I like to marry them I might have thought that was a fantastic (fairy tale) idea. But I know had we gotten down to the nitty gritty and things of a sexual nature had happened my view of relationships would be been deeply skewed. Altered for the remainder of my existence. I’d have been damaged irreparably.  You only need look at the damage done to pedophiles themselves to know it is not a good thing. Most pedophiles who were molested hated how that made them feel, hated the person who did that to them and were never quite the same as adults. And also consider the damaged young girls who turn to drugs, prostitution, stripping and porn because they were molested as young girls and their view of love and relationships is now so screwed they don’t see themselves as worth anything more than ‘sex’.

Regardless of what this man says. Regardless of how he tries to sell it, twist it, turn it… I believe that this theory of being born this way and it being normal – and society is just blind to this fact – is merely a guise for child predators to hide behind. An excuse for their ill deeds. None of them, NONE, ever liked being molested as a child so how in the world can they conceive as adults that children will like it being done to them.

Monday, August 22, 2011

why be gay?

Being gay is more accepted these days than it ever used to be.  Still there are many people who don’t like gay people – or rather fear them for some reason (like touching them will turn you gay – NOT!).
I like to think that since God is the creator of all then God must have had a reason for creating gay people.  Perhaps he put them on this earth to teach us all tolerance and acceptance.  Perhaps he put them on this earth because we are far too over populated and being gay is one way to slow people down from having too many babies.

Scientists have found that around 9 weeks of pregnancy the female body produces a dose of hormones (either testosterone or oestrogen) and sends these hormones to the baby growing inside her belly – depending on what sex the baby has become.
They have found that for some reason (stress can be a trigger and possibly genetics) the body gets it wrong sometimes and large doses or testosterone get given to a female baby or large doses of oestrogen get given to a male baby.  Because the gender is already formed by this stage the baby maybe a boy with a female thinking and feeling brain or a girl with a male thinking and feeling brain.  A baby with the wrong dose of hormones.

It’s no different to being born with down syndrome, blind, deaf, with cerebral palsy – the body just gets it wrong sometimes.  This scientific evidence is proof gay people are born this way and it is not something they choose at age 8 because daddy was an asshole or mummy was a bitch.

Like them or hate them.  Everything happens for a reason and you have to ask yourself the big question.  Why are they here?  Why are you here?  We all exist for some reason or another and the point is to find out why and live up to that reason.
Trust me.  God didn’t create gay people just so ignorant people could hate them.  There is a bigger picture than that.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

it's oh so quiet

I really enjoy it when you’re away
I don’t have to hear the critiques you say
When the cats away the mice shall play
I happily exist in my own unique way

On the bench a blender sits
With none here to have a fit
On my behind I’m welcome to sit
Without being told I’m a lazy shit

I can get ready however I like
Without you here to pick a fight
Without you saying ‘no that ain’t right’
Sadly in your quiet absence I delight

This mentioned, you’d rather run away
Instead of trying some other way
So insistence that you are right
Ignorant and blind to my poor plight

For you to win I have to loose
Is this really the life that you choose

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

train story .. mr smiley

There was a young man on the train yesterday.  Mr Smiley.  He stood by the door 
grinning and smiling to himself.  Some times he broke into a small laugh.  
Nothing deterred him.  Not me watching.  Not the other passengers or even
those standing right in front of him.  His smile did not leave his face for even a
moment.  Lost in thoughts of happiness.

Wonder what made him so happy.  Wish I'd had the courage to ask.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

black - poem

Your hair is 'died' blond
Your eyes are bright blue
Your 'anorexic' figure is to die for
Many gaze and stare as you walk by
Wearing your pretty pastel coloured
Fitted clothes

You talk sweetly
Calling everyone 'darl'
You smile a lot
With perfect teeth
Your full luscious lips...
...yet not with your eyes
Never... with your eyes!

You give and give and give some more
And run yourself dry
You talk of neglect
Of people walking all over you
People all taking none giving
Others never giving 110%
The way you say you do

Though generosity
Isn't generous
If  the point to giving
Is to bag others for not giving

But I've looking into those eyes
So bright and blue
And all I see is a deep hollowness
Black, through and through

And constantly you apologise
I'm sorry for this or that
But your apologies
Are a mere cover
To hide your wicked thoughts

You speak of friendship
A closeness deep and strong
And yet you talk behind my back
Telling others I am wrong
I don't give 110%
I'm all take and no give
But when I smile
What you see is true
My eyes are never black [like yours]
They are gorgeous green
True, through and through