Friday, September 20, 2013


so lonely, sad, bored these days. to the point of random tears just thinking about how empty i feel. how unenjoyable life is at the min. i want to be out and about enjoying life. instead i'm spending months, years doing nothing i like.

lost in a world of work. the odd dinner, coffee, social events a couple times a year, drinking, eating. no dancing. lots of sitting around small talking. the big issues are not on the menu. boring. snooze. wake me up when life get's interesting.
worse still, if i don't contact ppl they don't bother to contact me. invite me out. do something. feels like i could disappear and no one would give a shit. if they did give a shit coz i disappeared they'd be fake assholes coz they don't show it.

i seek deep intense conversation. out rockn up a storm. dancing for my beau. adventure. i'm dying without it.

everyone wants me to keep on living coz life is good and copping out is a no no. yet i'm sinking.

if they only knew how sad i feel. how empty. a shell. night after night no conversation. no dancing. no ppl. nothing i love in my world.
i've no desire to live this way and if this is the rest of of my life .. .. .. .. .. .. :(

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

the cock is a master key

"A woman is a lock and a man is a key. If a key opens a lot of locks, it is a master key. But if one lock is opened by lots of keys, it is a dodgy lock” 

there is so much wrong with that statement. firstly just because a cock can be stuck in a vagina doesn't make it a key or the vagina a lock. we are not an object like a door. using the word key as though a cock is some type of holly grail women all bow down for! pfftt!
it is not the 'key' that unlocks the door but the skilled user behind the key. it is the vagina that accepts the key and the user of the key has to work hard at being accepted, it takes a lot of giggling and getting it just right before the 'lock' is open. it's not just a given upon mere existence even though men think it's or should be this way through some warped sense entitlement for having a cock.
if you meet a girl who more readily accepts sex from a guy this doesn't make her a lesser being anymore than a man who wants to try stick his key into every hole.

men use the statement to claim some type of superiority over the lesser female. they way i see it. men want to stick their dicks in many vaginas therefore women's vaginas are the be all and end of all what men want. so it's vaginas that are the holly grail (not the other way around).

men rape women for control, you cannot take from us what we don't have, which means we (women) have the control. the fact that men seek out our vaginas either in lust, love or rape means we have something you men want. badly! and will do almost anything to have (including strippers, mens mags, prostitutes, internet porn). so how then are men some master key holder when it seems women are the one's with the goods you all want?

before making out that women are the lesser beings because they have vaginas and men are gods because they have dicks that they can stick into anything and everything... men should think about why they so desperately want to stick their 'keys' into many 'locks'.

it is the 'lock' that holds the power.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

whats a decent word for a girl who sleeps around

i like to keep it real. tell the truth. put it out there.

guys being allowed to sleep around and it's cool. i grew up on that bs and i'm sure nothings changed. girls are still sluts, skanky hos, whores, bitches blah blah.

when i was a naive teen my aunty told me she had a friend who slept with every boyfriend she had. aunty could have been talking about herself for all i know. naively, i was shocked. like wow really, she's so bad! what made her do such a thing?


i grew into that girl. and you know what. i wasn't bad. a slut, skanky ho, whore, bitch or anything like that. i was a daughter. be a mother and wife one day just like everybody else. i was just a girl who liked sleeping with the guys. i dated decent guys. they were nice, treated me well, had interesting personalities, bodies, faces. were all different in bed. learned something about them or myself. not all were good and there were many i didn't sleep with. only the ones i liked, were long term, direct about what they wanted.

thing is it isn't this big bad thing we all go on about. why ain't no one talking about that. why are we not teaching ourselves any different. it's not just ok for guys. they're so friggen scared that we want to be like them in that way - have sex. do they know something about themselves that we don't?

guess they know when their eyes or mind wander there is something behind it and heaven forbid us chicks be the same; think we're just about punished for being the same as men (they must really be bad). for me it doesn't mean anything so bad. seriously i just like guys. they're cool.

i like the idea of experiencing different personalities and styles. don't know what makes me this way or if it's a bad thing? curiosity? spontaneity? love of a good man?

i'm no more a slut than you. no more a bad person than you (and if you know you're bad punish yourself not the lasses). 

super knicker lady

super knicker lady = is a super hero who wears knickers and is a lady

she was the hired dancer for the party, 4 hours for $600. not a bad gig. she'd done a few, no big deal. just anther party and another night of dancing. a job she enjoyed. she got the gig from a male friend who had found out what she did and recommended her for this party. a blokes 40th. 

the dance floor was set up as she'd requested. wooden dance floor, slippery but not too much. a dance pole in the middle. on a stage away from the crowd.

the party was already in full swing though she had half an hour before she was due to start dancing, so she grabbed herself a vodka on ice and sipped, watching the crowd. her male friend was across the room sitting at a table with a handful of ladies and men. sharing a drink, a laugh, a story. he glimpsed over at her and she raised her glass in salute, then sipped and turned to watch others in the crowd. people were fascinating.

when her song regime started she got up and stood on the dance floor behind the pole. she started doing her thing, a mix between techno and exotic pole dancing. the first song had a fairly fast beat, though others were slow. fully dressed in black pants, black stilettos and a black hoodie with 3/4 sleeves, a fairly tight outfit but not jarringly so. people needed to see her body move - without seeing her goods.

the crowd had gone quiet a bit when she started moving. the women watched making sure it wasn't some gross overtly sexual dance that would piss them off. the men watching hoping it was some overtly sexual dance that would excite them. her friend watched here and there noting she was nice to watch. her moves were hot without being crass. he remembered dancing with her all those years ago. she was still as sensual now as she was then. she seemed lost in her own world. men and women got up to dance on the dance floor in front of her stage. after 2 hours she had half an hour break, time for another vodka on the rocks. then back to dancing for anther two hours. sometimes fast, sometimes slow. it was a long night but she loved it.

at the end of her shift she headed to her car. payment, music in handbag and stilettos in hand. now in comfy shoes. a man from the party came up behind her with two other mates behind him. he made some comments that let her know his intentions weren't good. she opened her car door to get in and they set upon her. two grabbing her, the third opening the back seat of her car and shoving her in. he was saying she was hot and he knew she wanted a piece of him while his mates jeered outside the vehicle. keeping watch. three couldn't fit in the back seat.

unbeknown to the man on her she carried an open switch blade on the car keys she was holding in her right hand. fumbling for the blade, she poked it into his groin and told him he needed to send his friends away. he panicked and snarled, realising she had him by the short and curlies. he could try and hit her or something but wasn't sure he wouldn't lose his member in the process. it wasn't meant to be a bloodshed thing. he told his friends to get lost and they began walking way, hesitantly. she told him he needed to get out of the car. he did so. she hopped out with knife in hand.

her male friend was now in between the other two men telling them the police had been called. the men left. seeing she had a knife he grinned and raised an eyebrow.

her friend walked up to her saying he thought he'd see her to her ca safely. she kissed him on the lips and he let her. then she thanked him and hopped in her car. as she drove away her heart was pumping and her knees were shaking. she'd warded them off. still that was a freaky situation she hoped would never happen again.