Saturday, February 11, 2012

reoccurring dreams

Some Native Americans believe reoccurring dreams are important messages trying to tell us something.

Probably doesn't take a genius to figure out what my reoccurring childhood dream meant considering my unhappy upbringing.
I used to dream this when I was around 8 to 10 years old. I'm sent to the milk bar to get milk. It's night time. The streets on the way to the milk bar are familiar in my dream but no place I've ever seen before in real life. The street lights are on and many house lights are on with people up watching TV or something.

Looking like any other ordinary streets only it's not the way to any milk bar I ever went to. The milk bar is reminiscent of the milk bar from when I was a little girl and got stung by a bee for the first, and only time in my life.

I watch myself walk into the bar. When I come out empty handed I see that all the houses and streets have changed. Since I used them as visuals to know my way I can't find my way home. Panic races through me as I wonder how I will get home.

Not only that, but somehow I know that witches are out there in the dark, and are going to get me if I don't get back home where I'm safe. Scared, I start heading down one street looking for a familiar house. I turn down another street looking for another familiar house. I can hear the witches cackle, but I never see them.

In the end I run into one of the houses thinking I'll be safe, the people inside will let me in and the witches will think it's my real house and leave me alone.

Monday, February 6, 2012

sweet dreams

Beyonce's Sweet Dreams reminds me of a guy I've been dreaming about for years.

He first appeared to me when I was 16.  I was actually dreaming about a movie star I idolised and he popped into my dream.  I was saying goodbye to him as I left with the movie star, when I suddenly felt sad and heart broken to be leaving him.  When I woke I had this strange sensation that I was in love with him.  But who was He?  Where did he come from?

He has come to me in my dreams ever since.  Over the years I have come to know all about him. I know what he looks like and draw him.  Dark medium length wavy hair, square jaw, deep blue almond shaped eyes, a smile that curls up at the sides of his mouth.

I date guys who resemble him.  The same hair, the same body, height, the same smile.  I've never found someone with the same eyes as him.  None of the guys I date are him.  They don't feel the way about me as he does.  Always looking for him in real life.  I think of him when I make love.  I dream of him when I'm sad and lonely.  I have heard him calling to me as I wake and once heard his voice in my ear.

Who is he?  What is he?  Is he my guardian angle?  His he a man who has lived but since passed?  Was he a lover from a previous life?  Is he my soulmate and we've gotten separated?  Why does he continue to come to me even though we'll never be together.  For I am certain I'll never meet him (in this life time).  I have searched and searched and never found him.

Maybe once I too have passed we'll be together? 

Until then we'll be together only in my dreams.