Friday, January 30, 2015

it's dictatorship not democracy

the suffragettes did well getting women the right to vote. they fought the system for a long time to get the right to vote. they wanted women to get a say in what happened in the world. up til then women were quiet.

im sure the suffragettes didn't give us that right to vote so we could do so little with it. voting is meant to be the public talking with the government about what they want and why. we find ourselves in a situation where that isn't happening. and still we're quiet.

off the top of my head i could raise a handful of topics that the public don't like. nothings being done about them. rarely even hear about it half the time.

there's a rule in qld that enables companies to own coal lines on any farm. so tv tells my friend who tells me. i'd believe it. and i believe it would be the kind of thing they'd hide. fracking and the dangers of it. all they care about it getting rich and easy fuel. bastards.
kind of sick of corporations being able to do what ever they want if the price is right. this being something our government allows and something we don't fight.

we didn't vote for that. we don't want it. and there's many instances like that. i din't vote for mr murdoch to become ridiculously, no ceiling ever, rich! at our expense. i didn't vote for any powerful man or woman being able to do that.

i didn't vote for all my vegetables to be sprayed. where was our agreement. the agreement that specified which chemicals you're spraying without lying to the public about the effects?

i didn't vote for fake make-it-live-longer stuff being added to my food. how did my life get so taken over. how did any of our lives get so taken over. even the edlestines of the world lives have been taken over. they're ruled by greed.

in oz it's compulsory to vote. can you believe that. we get a fine if we don't vote (how ironic they should use the word fine - as though all is fine with getting a fine). if we chose that neither leader will suffice with a no vote we have to pay. pay what? what are we paying for? someones time to run a vote at tax payers expense? paying for the right to say NO i don't want you and what you stand for you gutless piece of shit.

being forced by fine is dictatorship. it's you saying 'you're doing what i told you to do'. i want a system where the public is told what is being done openly. and we get to chose which bits we want. ask us.

asking us is a democracy.

Monday, January 5, 2015

its ok to like sex

bedroom eyes
it’s ok to like sex, be interested in it, want to do it. many others do. and nothing i say here is to imply you shouldn’t or can’t.

if you're someone who speaks out about sexual treatment of people, some will say it's too prudish, too hypocritical, too rude, to anti men. yes i've had bad times with men and i've wondered a thing or two about them but i don't hate all men. i like men. i’m no prude. sex happens. it’s fun and something many like. i enjoy the act as much as the next (when it's done well).

it doesn't disgust me. i don't' think we should be celibate. there's nothing wrong with having a libido. i don't think it should be bland or dull. games are fun, dress ups are fun.

if you do too good on you. if you don’t good on you. whatever and each to his own.

the line is drawn when you’re showing it to the whole world coz somehow that validates your like for it. i don’t give a rats ass if you like to watch or like to show. do it so that only you guys know. trust me when i tell you not every one needs to or should see it. these days it seems you all can’t fucking not show us, even those too young to view are seeing and showing. it’s private and adult and that’s all there is to it.

there are lines to be drawn and everyone knows what they are even if they pretend they don't and hide behind labels like 'normal'. bullshit and bollocks. sharing, showing, and not ready by age, relationship or prepared .. are lines in the sand. you all know not to cross them and are just pretending you don't. you think all people, young and old, want to look, need too look, should look.

like it for all you want but draw those lines in the sand!!!!!