Thursday, September 10, 2015

kendrick johnson so many unanswered questions

why did kendrick try to squeeze down a 14in diam rolled up gym mat to retrieve a shoe instead of moving the mats to get it

why did he try to retrieve that shoe when he had his own white nike shoes

why, if he was trying to retreive his shoe, were his own shoes stuffed part way down the rolled up mat like someone threw them in after him

how did his shoes (the ones thrown in after him) fall or come off

where did the blood come from if he had no signs of struggle or open wounds

why is there no blood on top of the shoe he was supposed fetching

where did the finger nail scratches on his hand come from

why did no one notice him missing during the day

why do the school cameras miss bits of footage and why don't they show kenrick near the corner where the gym mats were

why don't the cameras show the two boys (one in a white shirt and one in a red shirt) follow him in to the gym, like the hall camera shows

when he enters the gym there are no boys playing basket ball, but they're shown playing in later (edited) footage

why did no one see or hear his struggle as he supposedly fell into the gym mat and got stuck

kendrick johnson in gym mat opening larger than 14in
if he did get stuck in the gym mat surely his struggle would have been audible and his movements noticeable

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