I had now settled in to my own place, not returned interstate where my lover was, but staying near my bestie. My bestie and I spoke about the horrors of the wedding often, me needing to vent vent vent and let it all out!
M comes back from her honeymoon and phones me complaining about how bad the honeymoon was and how sick she'd been - all about her and her woes. She'd had an atopic pregnancy while on honeymoon and took great pleasure in describing to me the horror of it and the effect it had on her honeymoon. I wanted to be sympathetic yet she is so negative ALL of the time, to me it was yet another negative story and I didn't really want to hear it. [
I'd had an atopic pregnancy before and it didn't kill me, not even nearly. Get over it you pathetic piece of shit.] I wanted to hear something positive. The honeymoon was great, perfect, so romantic - but that wasn't to be. She also thanked me for all the help and support I'd given her over the weeks before her wedding. At this piece of bullshit I drew the line and said outright, "That's not what I heard" and proceeded to tell her how she'd complained I wasn't giving enough, doing enough, how I was all take and no give and used and abused her generosity. How she'd told people I didn't help around the house when I had. How she'd told people I hadn't paid for anything when I'd spend thousands of dollars on her and her wedding. How she'd told people I hadn't paid for my nails when her mum had offered to pay for them.
Her response. She denied ever having said any of it. Told me it was everybody else opinion of me that I was hearing and they were just saying it was her because they didn't want to admit how they felt. In the end she insisted she had loved having me stay at her house and was so very thankful with how much I had helped out. Saying she hoped we were still friends and that she's glad we've sorted everything out. I believed her. I don't know why. I guess she was just very convincing. For all of about an hour when my lover phoned me to ask me what I'd said to M that upset her so badly. Huh?
Turns out she'd found his long distance number on her phone bill (which i paid for, she was never out of pocket) and decided to phone him, telling him that she tried to get me to understand how much she'd done for me and how much I had been all take and no give, claiming that she just couldn't get me to see reason. Could he perhaps speak to me and set me straight. On the one hand it was SO incredibly out of line for her to call him and bag me to him. How dare she! On the other hand it finally cinched the deal for me and for the first time my lover realised I had been telling the truth about her all along. He said to me, "She's crazy!" Yes! I shouted. That's what I've been saying all along. She is full of shit and cannot tell it to my face to save herself. She is a total liar and a major backstabber.
She wanted to look good all the time, to never be the one who looked bad in people's eyes. This extended to her putting others down constantly to make herself look good. She loved playing the victim and loved monopolising the conversation with her woeful attention seeking stories.
Getting copies of wedding photos was yet another saga with M asking me
if I was only using her for the photos or was I still her friend? My reply was that I'm entitle to those photos since I'm in them and I'll never be her friend again.
Of course it didn't end there. I ended up getting phone calls and texts from her now husband and his friends, including the bridesmaid, trying to convince me I was wrong and I hadn't treated her with the respect she so deserved, after she'd opened her house and heart to me all I had done was use her and take her for all she could give. What kind of bitch was I to treat such a giving person so badly? She was right and I was wrong and they knew that for a fact, they said. I also got prank calls in the middle of the night, them thinking it was funny to harass me.
In one such phone conversation with the bridesmaid, she was telling me how much she had liked me and how cool she thought I was but now she realised I wasn't really a nice person. How I'd only done those things, like wedding trinkets by myself, so I could pretend to have helped out. Suggesting I had ulterior motives for the few generous things I did do - to try and look good. I told her she doesn't know what she's talking about. If she thinks M bags me a lot she should have heard how often and how much M bagged
her during my time there. I told her, "If you think you were spared you're sadly mistaken". She went quiet a moment, I could hear some type of kerfuffle (like I was on speaker phone and M was listening) then she abruptly said she had to go. I know for a fact M was standing in the room with her at the time, she'd been feeding the bridesmaid stories in order to get her to phone me in the first place. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall after that conversation.
Eventually it all stopped and people left me alone - though there was some residual family fallout as family members heard from her how bad I was and I never got a chance to defend myself.
I never heard from M and to this day we're no longer friends and never will be. She cannot see how wrong she was and how
she was the
abuser not me. She was the one who chewed me up and spat me out like some piece of shit on the bottom of her shoe, after all I had done for her (not the other way around). I know her game. She doesn't like herself much and bagging others and making out they're so horrible and awful builds herself up - only it doesn't really. She knows she's a
backstabbing bitch underneath all that pretend generosity and fake niceness. Bottom line is it's hard to be friends with somebody that insecure that they'd treat others,
their only friend no less, so badly. No wonder she has no friends. She's simply too self absorbed, too busy playing victim and martyr, too busy being fake to ever form a genuine friendship.
Less than a year later she had her husband had split up and less than two years later divorced. As ridiculous as it is, to this day I've wanted to contact him and his friends and ask them if they ever realised
I was right!