If the kiss doesn't fall into place he's not the one. The relationship is doomed. One guy kissed like wood pecker. Peck peck peck. I hated it. I hated him. He ran the relationship that way. Come close pull back, come close pull back. Some times completely withdraw for hours then be all possessive like. Yuk. One guy came at me like the mouth of Luna Park.
kissing |
All dark cave and tongue. Nice guy but a hard kiss to adjust to. Made my mouth ache. One guy was all tonsil hockey just about choking me. Tongue all the way in. Gag. An in the relationship all they way in kinda guy. One guy liked to lick my face. Me with my germ phobia. I liked him. Spunky as he was. Time to move on. A couple fell into place completely. Such a *sigh* feeling. Refreshing. Not a complicated kiss. Meshing like we'd done this before. Fully in sync with each other. Funny enough, loved the guys madly but the relationships were major complicated. Too much passion. Too much hostility. They were all over me one minute then pretending they didn't give a shit the next. And I fell hook line an sinker. Did my bloody head in. They're the one's I think of fondly from time to time. The one's I can't forget. You mark my word a kiss tells you everything.
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