on the day he returns she organizes lunch. burgers. they eat their burgers and afterwards he talks about how guilty he feels. gluttony. the other house mate didn't want his burger so she decides she'll have it for dinner.
her lover asks her, "should you be eating that?" implying calories and fat in take. hearing this from him is interpreted as "you're so fat, don't even think about it." she has seen fat people eating ice cream and chips and thinking "no! don't do it! it's a trap". she knows the difference between her and what fat is. for the moment she stews about it. mulls it over.
shopping later on, walking through the carpark towards the mall, she tells him how she didn't like is comment about what she eats. she has no real desire to alter her weight. he says, "oh" and his meaning is hard to interpret.
as they walk through the mall she tells him to look around. 45% of the population is overweight or obese. "i'm a size 10" she tells him, " i'm not fat." pointing around her she tells him she's is the skinniest one there... except for that young business girl walking past them. heading towards them is an aptly placed obese woman. her point is made.
yet still lost on him.
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