The following day I phone the beauty salon where M had booked a facial for me for my birthday (even though I'd already had one) and cancelled the appointment. I didn't want to be all take and no give. In fact I outright didn't want to accept another thing from her! The salon phones M telling them I was really rude to them and M comes home and gives me an ear bashing for being rude to the salon lady. I don't care. It's all bullshit. I wasn't rude. Only hurt. I tell M I don't want to be all take and no give. She gets my point but doesn't really get it. She simply thinks I'm being rude and sarcastic.
Later on the bridesmaid comes over and isn't speaking to me. I assume it's because she's angry at me for the unnecessary reaming she got the night before. I want to pull the bridesmaid aside and clarify the phone call however M beats me to it, dragging her into her bedroom. They're in there for over an hour, no doubt M backstabbing me. M had been vacuuming when the bridesmaid arrived even though I had vacuumed the previous day and I saw her whisper to the bridesmaid about me. Mostly likely saying, "Look at her sitting there doing nothing while I vacuum." When they come out they're both not talking to me. And we're off to get practice makeup done. It was really awkward and awful with all the animosity and snubbing going on.
My birthday fell at the time I was at M's house. I planned on organising something with my bestie and other friends (I haven't seen in years) however M tells me she has something planned for me so not to plan anything, make sure I'm home. I plan nothing for my birthday only to find what M had planned was a mudcake for my birthday. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fact that she did something, while at the same time I think, for a mudcake, I couldn't have been doing something much more amazing and fun with my friends. I'd gotten hors d'oeuvres out, all diet food since M was starving herself to be a size 6 for her wedding, and made black Russians for us all to celebrate my birthday. M has just a sip of the drink and a slither of cake, hoping that I'll eat the rest. I am aware by this stage she has been trying to fatten me up since my arrival. She continually came home with fattening foods such as shortbread cookies, chocolate and now mudcake all for me to polish off. I'd been having none of it, throwing it out when she wasn't home. Then after her sip of drink and sniff of cake she gets on her walking machine to exercise, while her fiance sits down to watch TV. And that's it, that's my birthday! Happy birthday to me! Again I find myself fuming because I could have gone out and spent the night with genuine friends having a genuinely good time. Instead I'm left alone at the dinning table sipping my black Russian and refusing to eat the cake. No one touched the hors d'ouvres I'd made. Cracking it, I leave the house and go for a really long walk around a dark school oval all the while rambling to myself how fucked this whole situation is. I had to vent. I had to let it out. When I return an hour later she's still on the machine and I go to bed.
My lover phoned me in the middle of the night (time zone difference) to wish me happy birthday and I vent to him while they're in bed.
Some days afterward he arrives to stay with us and as I leave to pick him up from the airport (by now my car had arrived from interstate and I now had my own transport) M tells me not to bag her to him. I just glare at her. Ha! What a hypocrite. My poor lover. I didn't just bag M, I went off on an insane ramble of how mental she was making me and how I couldn't wait for this fucking nightmare to be over. Over the weeks everyone who knew M had stopped being friendly to me and I knew why, she was bagging me to them, telling them her cock and bull story about how she's all give and I'm all take. My poor lover was hoping to be reunited in fits of passion only to find me too stressed and strung out and depressed to be even remotely any kind of good lover. He was angry about this and wished I would calm down. She seemed fine to him and he was sure I was exaggerating.
The week he was there before the wedding was somewhat bliss. He took my mind off her and she doted on him, leaving me the hell alone. He could do no wrong. He took us all out for dinner and for days she insisted to me that she should pay him back, only to be crest fallen when I told her he's rich and doesn't need to be paid back. M has always wanted a rich boyfriend. Later on she told me I was lucky to have someone as good as him, implying I was so shitty it's a miracle I've found someone as good as him. Then realising what she said, lied and added that he's also lucky to have me too. I gave her a rye smile. By now I knew her lying game. How fake she was. I saw right through her bullshit.
My lover and I went shopping to get the bride and groom presents for their wedding, sparing no expense. If she claimed I was all take and no give I wanted to show her I could be just as giving. We presented the gifts to them two days before the wedding. The following day she came home with gifts for me to thank me for the gifts I'd given her and I realised then it didn't matter how giving I was, she was going to outdo me so she could insist I wasn't as giving as her (not giving in general).
One night she and I were sitting at the dining room table alone and she told me I was her only friend and she hoped we'd still be friends after this. I cannot recall my response however I know I was thinking "Not likely". The wedding was soon upon us. This would soon be over.
They day of the wedding all the men had slept over at the grooms house while the girls were at the brides. The bride went to all the appointments before us, hair, makeup. Each time we rocked up to a place the bride had been before us I was greeted with contempt and disdain. By now I knew how it worked because she had suckered me in, in the beginning. When she had complained and bagged everyone for being so lazy and not helping with the wedding I'd taken her at her word and didn't understand why they weren't helping out. It hadn't taken me too long to see she wasn't telling the truth. But these people she was speaking to didn't know me, they only knew what she said about me and what she said wasn't nice. So they treated me like the awful greedy selfish person she'd made me out to be. At the wedding and reception I kept walking in on her whispering to others about me. Convincing anyone who'd listen that I was a bad person.
She left me and my lover at the wedding at the end of the night, not sparing us second thought. Didn't say goodbye or let us know she was heading off. She just left. We had been packing up all the gifts into my car and she'd just left us there. Two interstate people who had no idea where we were or how to get back to her house. We had to stop and ask a taxi driver for directions. At her house we found her getting her hair-do removed by the bridesmaid, the person she bagged the absolute most (except perhaps 2nd to me). She was cold and distant and barely talking to us and I was so eager to get out of there. We'd already made arrangements to be else where on her wedding night because she'd already said she hopes we're not staying.
It was finally over. The wedding night had come and gone. It had been an absolute nightmare. I'd lost two dress sized from the stress of it and pretty much hated her guts by the end of it...
I was wrong though. It wasn't over.
to be continued...
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