Just before waking the dream became vivid. Trees rushing past, branches whipping my face and body. Running through a forest chasing a man with long hair in a loin cloth. Though I could not see his face I knew it was Cote – the way you instinctively know in dreams. He jumped with ease over fallen logs, while my running was more laboured and awkward. Still I was gaining on him. I could see his back muscles rippling as I got closer and I could hear his breath as though he was breathing in my ears. The sound of him overriding my own strained breathing. He did not sound strained. His breathing was uniform and controlled. It had a sexiness to it as though he sounded this way when he made love. Reaching out my right arm to grab him, I turned him to me. It was my partner standing before me huffing and puffing. He looked displeased, frown on his face as if annoyed I had been chasing him, or caught him. Moments ago he had long hair half way down his back. Now it was shorter as per his normal style. He wore demon jeans and was shirtless. His strong handsome body gleaming from sweat. Instinctively I wanted to reach out and touch him, his chest, shoulders, arms. As I reached out to hug him thankful for a familiar face amongst this strange world I found myself in, he ducked off behind a tree quick as a flash. Moving like Cote. When I rounded the tree he was nowhere to be seen. Pivoting on the spot the world spun before me leaving me with a sense of vertigo. Where had he gone? I wanted him to come back. I wanted him with me. I woke just after picturing him driving off in the distance in a black jeep – in my mind’s eye as it is with dreams. Somehow you see and know things your dream doesn’t shown you. The dreaming changing just like that.
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