Sunday, November 8, 2020

slit - poem

can't keep my hands to myself.

having a dance with...


wish you were here.

you won't ever be...


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

what happened to brandon swanson

brandon swanson was 19 when he went missing on may 14th 2008 near porter minnesota usa after attending a party in canby. brandon was from marshall and was driving back home after midnight, some say around 1am. 

he called his parents around 1:54am after he drove his car into a ditch and after he called friends first (guess they didn't answer or couldn't help out?) his parents got in their car and started driving towards where brandon said he was (lynd - wrong direction). he was on and off the phone to his parents til around 2:17am. 

at first brandon waited by his car and flashed his headlights hoping his parents would spot him then he started walking along gravel roads. heading north (brown arrow) because he thought he was near lynd.

since brandon thought he was near lynd he must have thought he'd driven more south than he had and for longer than he actually had (blue arrow - a guesstimate of where brandon thought he traveled).

at 2:20am brandon called his dad and they stayed on the phone for 47mins while brandon walked along  gravel roads, walking in the opposite direction from home. he told his dad he was going to walk to the nearest town since he could see the lights. what lights was he referring to? st leo? (it wold have taken around 2 1/4 hours to reach st leo.)

after walking along, still on the phone to his dad, brandon suddenly says 'oh shit'. there was a sliding, ruffling sound, then nothing. his mum says it sounded like the phone fell and brandon said 'oh shit'. some say the line was still open and his dad was still trying to talk to him and get him to respond but brandon didn't say anything after that. others claim the line went dead. did the phone also die or was it still working? the dad hung up from the call and kept trying to call back with no answer.

according to search manager jeff hasse with midwest technical rescue training brandon's car was found right on the border between lincoln, yellow medicine and lyon counties.

that's the red circle in the image below. just north between porter and taunton.

if we follow along the map from the approximate location where his car was found, 47mins take us to this approximate location (red pointer) - give or take the direction brandon was taking. if we guesstimate he started walking after 2am and before 2:17am and talked and walked from 2:20am for 47mins that gives brandon approximately an hour of walking before something happened to make him exclaim. 

if he followed along the path outlined above, he'd have reached the mud creek intersection in 55 minutes. is this where he slipped, got himself and his phone wet, losing his phone in the dark creek water? (do water logged phones ring out or go to directly to voice mail?)

was brandon significantly injured when he dropped his phone, badly sprained or broken an ankle, knocked his head? or maybe just dazzed and confused, while walking on un-even ground in the dark - treacherous.

you can see from an aerial view that this area is mostly cleared agricultural land with a smallish creek running through - mud creek. there are few trees aside from those dotted around properties and along creek and river beds. no thick forest to get lost in. no cliffs to fall off, though some ditches and creek beds can have big drop offs. it looks relatively harmless but navigating in the dark would have been difficult. the moon was waxing but clouds could have hindered any moonlight.

dogs tracked brandon's scent to farm fields north of porter. not yellow medicine river which others are saying brandon fell into and drowned which is south of his known location and direction.

we do not know how much further brandon walked after his phone call with his dad ended, however, search and rescue say brandon did continue walking based on sniffer dog tracking. certainly something significant enough happened that made him not be able to retrieve his phone and be able to respond to his dad's calls thereafter.

his phone was never found which could suggest it was on brandon's person and disappeared along with him. or brandon could have slipped and dropped his phone on the ground and not been able to find it in the dark. though both of these scenarios are unlikely because why not answer incoming calls if he still has his phone (unless it got wet and stopped working) and phones make noise and light up when they're rung - as his dad was continually doing - therefore could easily be spotted. makes more sense the phone fell some place non retrievable, like water, never to be seen again. particularly in the dark.

as mentioned above it would have taken 2 1/4 hours to reach st leo (if that's the lights he could see), except st leo is north east and brandon's scent was picked up north of porter. 

2 1/2 hours of walking north of porter (around 4:30am by then) puts brandon at around the 220th ave (country highway 3) location. just throwing out theories of how far brandon could travel during that dark, freezing, fateful night. considering it is theorised brandon died of hypothermia, he stopped sometime after 3am (soon after his phone call ended or for a longer period of time?) and died before dawn presumably. the coldest part of the night is before sunrise.

did he make it to the lac qui parle river and fall in and drown? did he crawl under a bush to rest only to succumb to the elements?

what happened to brandon? where did he go? why has his body never been found?

let's get into theories.

a) he fell into and drowned in yellow medicine river.

we can rule this out since the river is in the opposite direction to which brandon traveled. the other creeks and rivers north of brandon's car don't appear to be large enough to drown in, though looks can be deceiving. still, surely brandon's body would have been found somewhere along a creek or river.
also his dad did not hear splashing or water. if he fell in water would there be sounds of water before the phone went dead?

b) he was nabbed by someone in a car or a victim of a hit and run.

we can rule this out since a car would have been seen and heard approaching and he'd have mentioned this to his dad, even thinking it was his dad, and a car on gravel would also be heard by his dad on the other end of the phone. there would have also been other noises like voices, scuffling or a crash which his dad did not hear. abductions and crashes aren't quiet.

c) brandon fell down a well.

maybe, but then his body would be found in said well during searching, surely. and if not found, surely there is more to the sound of falling down a well than mere sliding, ruffling sounds, such as crying out way more than just oh shit!, phone and body hitting walls, a loud thud or splash at the bottom.

d) he fell asleep somewhere and died of hypothermia.

the theory is he slipped into water, got cold and wet and this killed (lost) his phone. why would he fall asleep? alcohol? tiredness? cold? temperatures were cold that night (3 degrees) but surely he'd have kept walking towards lights or a house or something (then again house lights would be off during the night). if he did die of hypothermia where is his body?

is it plausible brandon fell asleep in some giant wheat field and was accidentally ground up by an unsuspecting farmer who either didn't notice him there or didn't want to tell anyone because he felt criminally negligent? surely this is debatable since it would be an obvious sight!

jeff said brandon's scent was strongly picked up north of porter then nothing. did brand die there and some local farmer moved and hid his body? why would they want to do this? why not call in the discovery of a dead body? (maybe they're up to nefarious things and announcing the finding of a deceased person risks exposing their crimes? people can be cretins after all!)

e) he stumbled across something he shouldn't have and was murdered by a farmer or workers.

again there would have been noises to that effect. there was nothing stopping brandon from announcing to his dad there is someone pointing a gun at him (the way brandon lawson did), like saying 'hey don't shoot', and no shots or noises were heard after the oh shit and ruffling. being held up wouldn't have ended his phone call automatically.


seems the most likely scenario is brandon dying of hypothermia and someone removing his body for whatever reason. there is the possibility his body just hasn't been found however i find it hard to believe farmers don't know every inch of their land, let alone if there is a body on their property. the smell of death would alert them to it.


Friday, October 2, 2020

kris kremer head shot analysed


above: photo of back of kris kremers head taken on april 8th. while the hair is tussled it seems remarkably clean for someone who has spent 8 days in the wilderness.

some suggest there is blood present in the above image (bottom right hand corner) yet hair seems too clean to be caked with blood (and head wounds bleed like mad!)

same image on it's side. note two dark dots middle left hand side of image and 2-3 white bauble things a bit lower down. what are they? nothing but tricks on the eye or people seeing something more than there is?

some claim the head shot is the same shot as the image of kris seen above, but photo shopped to look messy. tampered with by supposed killers to look like the girls were still alive on 8th april taking the night photos. why would any one bother doing that?

this is the most likely match up to what the head image is - the back of her hair, her bun and hair all messy from days in the wild. it is doubtful the image is photo shopped and more likely just a pic of messy hair.

or maybe it's more like this รข
because there is that dark spot in the lower r/h corner that doesn't line up with having skin underneath.

if it is the back of kris's head what are the anomalies in the image, that is: the two dots that look like nostrils and the whitish bauble things? fingers? earrings? hair band? just strange shadows?

note skin cannot be seen through her hair in the original image (below) so it's unlikely (yet not impossible) skin would be showing through the night time of kris's hair.

could the two dots be a shot of her ear on the side with the dark (nostril looking) dots being part of the top of the ear and the white baubles her earrings? with the rest of her hair covering her face?

kris did have 3 piercings in one ear which align withe the 2-3 white bauble things.

unlikely though, because her face doesn't match up or fit in. where is her chin and neck in the image?

superimposing kris's face over the image shows the two dots do not align with her nostrils and the white bauble things are too small to be her teeth. also the bottom of her face and top of head doesn't fit in the image (they're not in the image).

it is unlikely the two dots and the baubles are showing the back of kris's neck and back of ear/earrings because it does not align with how kris's head looks from behind. 

it is too small as seen superimposed on the above image and her neck vs hair line start much further down.

what do you think? do you agree it is the back of her head showing a messy bun?
what do you think the dots and white things are?

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

what happened to kris kremers & lisanne froon

you've heard the stories. watched the youtube videos. pondered the theories.

a) abduction / murder

b) human trafficking or organ theft

c) injured / lost

i'm one to go with the most likely of scenarios. the two young women got lost.

i theorise that kris got injured some time after crossing the stream, most likely a badly twisted ankle or a bad fall, potential head injury. i theorise this since no more photos were taken of the girls smiling and hiking after this. lisanne was most likely helping kris walk and had no free hands. also it wouldn't be nice to take photos of an injured friend. maybe 509 was a pic of kris as she hurt herself and lisanne deleted it later on?

around 1 1/2 hours after the last images of kris crossing the stream were taken, the girls began making sporadic emergency calls, most likely due to kris being injured and needing help, or them being lost.

they likely wandered around trying to find a path home and couldn't. with each passing hour and day they got more and more lost and by now kris's injury would be causing her all manner of grief. they would have felt frantic and disorientated.

a theory for them removing their bras is they felt too constrictive, they could have fallen into water and the bras chafed so they took them off. they could have been following a stream thinking this would lead them back to some place familiar.

who knows what they did during the night to cope. the darkness and unfamiliar noises would have been disconcerting and frightening. with each new day they hobbled along trying to make it back to civilisation.

by 5th april lisanne's phone died and by now we can assume kris is not in a good way. maybe she is delirious and incoherent or too weak to do much of anything. both have had little food and water for days. 

on the 6th april, it is assumed lisanne attempts to use kris's phone since whomever used it didn't know the pin code. could kris have even been deceased by this time or just incapacitated and non communicative? though i feel it's unlikely lisanne would have stayed beside kris's dead body for 2 days. 6th the phone is used without a pin for the 1st time - 8th pic taken of kris's head, maybe deceased by this time, maybe not - it doesn't appear kris is lying down in the photo.

they made it to the location where the night photos were taken. could they have arrived there on the 5th and decided to stay put hoping to be found? unlikely. what is more likely, they get there on the 8th, maybe late evening or night time and stay there taking photos to get their bearings? or to signal for help.

it has been figured out that all of the night photos were taken at the same location. most likely near a water fall due to the presence of water droplets and what appears to be a drop off. this is where an sos was set up with ripped up paper and orange bags tied to a twig. hoping someone would fly over and spot them.

sources suggest the spot where the night photos were taken is cascada el sindigo en caldera, chiriqui, panama. according to one site sindigo waterfalls are in the gualaca region. i tried to find the falls on a map but it's not listed. typing in gualaca region shows the district is s.e. of boquete - which is no where near where kris and lisanne's remains were found.

this is a description of sindigo falls to go by.

Near the road that leads to La Estrella Los Valles is this beautiful waterfall that runs between lava walls and wells that seem ceremonial ...

is the orange road what they're talking about? this road also leads to where remains were discovered. or do they mean the white road off to the right which is in an entirely different direction?

a still shot taken from sindigo falls show the potential night photo location.

on the left part of the image below you can see a unique hollowed out bolder to the right of the water fall (in fact there is a few of them).

in the image lisanne took of the bolder with orange bags on a twig (the right part of the image), the rock in the background appears to also be a hollowed out bolder. possibly the same bolder from a different angle.

it's plausible this could be the location the images were taken. though it's location in relation to where items/remains were found is unclear and/or maybe too far away/wrong direction?

it would seem lisanne was panicked or spooked and taking photos frantically that night. why that night and not any other time? were they near the waterfall edge and taking pics to get the gist of their surroundings so as not to fall off the edge?

Note: the rounded boulder similar to the one the stick with orange bags was on. 
Note: the flat area in front were the SOS could have been set up.
Note: the unique hollowed out rocks similar to the ones in the back ground of the image with the stick & orange bags.

the yellow circle above to the right notes the potential spot for the below photo.

above is an image from the night time photos

this (above) is an image from sindigo falls

above & below - still images from sindigo falls video

and here is the night time photo superimposed over the sindigo falls image. could this be the same location during different seasons, or is the image from further right (as seen in the yellow circle above)?

maybe the girls died at the night photo location or maybe they moved on the day after these images were taken, once it was daylight and they could see. 

maybe lisanne moved down stream for a further 3 days after the night photos were taken (the phone was last checked on the 11th) and kris did not. hence why different remains were found sporadically in different places and possibly why lisanne's bones still had some tissue attached while kris's did not (they didn't die at the same time or same place). this might also explain why lisanne's backpack was found further down stream and her bones had been exposed to some type of fertiliser and kris's had not.

either way i think they died of starvation and thirst and their bodies decomposed and washed down stream, getting battered and broken up by rocks (even though it's claimed rocks couldn't do this damage, i say it's plausible especially once bodies start to decompose and the body becomes brittle).

i think the photo of the 2 girls and 2 boys in hot spring is red herring. detectives said they found other photos of the 2 girls (who were in the spring with the boys) on the camera and they weren't lisanne and kris. if we go by mostly likely scenario the detectives are correct and the photo is unrelated.

there is the deleted 509 photo which supposedly could only be deleted via a computer. i have my doubts about that and think it could have just accidentally or deliberately been deleted by lisanne some time after she took the other photos. maybe she went back through the photos and deleted that one by accident? i've also heard the sim card wasn't in the camera when pic 509 was taken hence the 'deleted' pic.

another possibility about the missing photo is whomever found their backpack looked at the images on a computer and accidentally deleted the photo. later on they left the bag by the stream to be found because they hoped to get the reward money.

and that's my theory. occam's razor.


Thursday, June 11, 2020

transgender the new war on sexes

if i met a man dressed as a woman i would interact with him with respect. i am respectful and polite to all people i meet unless they give me reason not to be.

i would not argue with this man if he wanted me to refer to him as she though i might forget and slip up because, naturally, there will be some innate confusion. my eyes see one thing, my mind sees something else.

if this man talked to me about feeling like he was born female in a man's body and couldn't wait to become fully female, i'd listen respectfully. though i might like to ask him what he defines as 'female'. i'd be interested to know how much he knows and relates to the struggles females go through for simply being born with a vagina and breasts.

is he aware of the rampant sexualisation of females (women & girls), does he rally with them, does he fight for their causes? or is it a matter of simply wanting a female body and female clothing, hair, shoes etc. that appeals to him. is he aware that he's joining the ranks of the lower/weaker sex?

the gays and trans people i know do not fight for female equality and in fact often indulge in activities that smack females in the face with sexualisation of said gender, ie watching shows with gratuitous female nudity, thus buying into sexual objectification of females and females beings seen as commodities (a way to sell and make a profit). much the same as a white person buying into racism and thinking it's cool or funny or entertaining because it doesn't affect them.

[while racism is rampant in the hearts and minds of millions, it is not allowed in any program i've ever watched, ie. noone's calling aboriginal people coons in music videos, without immense backlash, meanwhile sexism towards females in rampant in all forms with barely an outcry from the people]

i can understand lesbians enjoying sexualised females, they get to see naked ladies everywhere. however the only reason gay men enjoy the sexualisation of females is simply because this form of 'hatred and mistreatment of gender' doesn't affect them. if we saw opening anti gay or racist sentiment in the media as rampant as we see female objectification there'd be an uproar!

they are far more likely to fight for gay rights (normal, of course) than female rights. much the same as poc fighting for #blacklivesmatter and much the same as me fighting sexualisation of females. though i will also fight for the rights of gays and poc, gays are less likely to fight against female objectification. female poc might also fight sexism towards poc because they face both racism and sexism.

and therein lies my hesitation in having men transition to female. they have no idea of what it's like to be female and probably engaged female sexualisation. much like a white person wanting to transition to a person of colour with no understanding of what it is to face racism every day.

will those transgendered men to women face that sexism once they transition. yes. it is inevitable. they will also face further ridicule and mistreatment because to be a man (superior) who becomes a female (inferior) will make him less than in the eyes of other men (aside from the woke).

the same can be said of women to men. men won't accept them fully because they weren't born superior, they tried to become superior via operation. hatred will be even worse for coloured transgenders.

gays, lesbians, poc and females already face daily hardships because of how they were born (and there are groups of men who feel this way about being born male). transgenders will face the same backlash and hatreds because we don't treat people with the respect they deserve. instead we treat people with prejudices.

this is why i say if i met (and have met) a man who dresses as a woman or a woman who dresses as a man i will take them at face value and respect them as a person.

Monday, March 2, 2020

sex is normal

it's a common response and it's true. sex is a normal part of nature. people use this statement to argue they're allowed to have their fetishes; sucking on toes, body hair, defecating .. hurting, being hurt ..

a similar and frequent response to watching porn 'as normal' is based on men conquering foreign lands. often (white) folk will state that because polynesians fornicated 'out in the open' this means that watching people have sex is normal.

explorers finding new lands - and when you think about the feats involved in these explorations, the thinkers, the doers, the ships, the skills, the knowledge; once upon a time aboriginals came to oz this way - it's pretty amazing and understandable that they were curious and wanted to know what's out there then live there.

so they land in places home to people who've lived there for a long time. they write about what they're seeing, the plants, the animals, the foods, the drink, the people, the women, the rituals. they write about stumbling across lovers having sex in bushes or behind trees and this is use to site fact: these people prove it's normal for 1. people to want to fornicate in (for the) public. 2. for others to be curious and want watch them.

we've had those moments where the spontaneity took us and we had sex on a beach, in a car, at a park. but did we actually want some creeper voyeur to watch us? for some the answer is yes, for many the answer is no.

the people of that land would have also had dwellings or secret places they had sex in, just like us. they would have kept to themselves at times and had moments of outdoor spontaneity.

this doesn't mean they wanted to be watched by the strangers now on their land and in their space, that they didn't expect and want privacy, that they weren't seeking out long grass to hide in, that it was normal for lovers in the village to drop where they stood and start fornicating while one and all stood around watching, which was the implication - they didn't mind be watched, they wanted to be watched.
i'd say at the very least they didn't care if they were stumbled upon because sex was normal, yet we do not know that this meant they wanted someone to stand around watching. i'm sure their own people would have secretly watched on occasion because we are curious beings, even then this doesn't prove native people enjoyed being watched.

think about it. the stories i read, the people went to secluded places and were stumbled upon by a white man who documented it like the people who had sought to make out behind long grass were deliberately being voyeuristic, as apposed to trying to have some privacy.

we don't have the other side of the story and for all we know those couples found conquerors sexually menacing because they stumbled across them and watched them.

but wait there's more ..

seeing native people's having sex would have made those men lustful. they've no ladies of their own to fornicate with so they start taking the ladies for themselves. there might have been cases where the men were kind and women genuinely fell for them, yet for the most part this isn't history as we know it.

jump forward to now and we are viewing heinous amounts of heinous sex videos. videos of people being violated, hurt, brutalised, assaulted, raped, groomed .. some how over time the belief that 'watching others have sex; because we stumbled across natives' became, watching men, women, children and animals being hurt sexually is normal.

the lust of those conquerors somehow became the 'norm' which now means porners are normal because 'sex is normal'. even though what we're doing now with pornography isn't even sex let alone normal.