if i met a man dressed as a woman i would interact with him with respect. i am respectful and polite to all people i meet unless they give me reason not to be.
i would not argue with this man if he wanted me to refer to him as she though i might forget and slip up because, naturally, there will be some innate confusion. my eyes see one thing, my mind sees something else.
if this man talked to me about feeling like he was born female in a man's body and couldn't wait to become fully female, i'd listen respectfully. though i might like to ask him what he defines as 'female'. i'd be interested to know how much he knows and relates to the struggles females go through for simply being born with a vagina and breasts.
is he aware of the rampant sexualisation of females (women & girls), does he rally with them, does he fight for their causes? or is it a matter of simply wanting a female body and female clothing, hair, shoes etc. that appeals to him. is he aware that he's joining the ranks of the lower/weaker sex?
the gays and trans people i know do not fight for female equality and in fact often indulge in activities that smack females in the face with sexualisation of said gender, ie watching shows with gratuitous female nudity, thus buying into sexual objectification of females and females beings seen as commodities (a way to sell and make a profit). much the same as a white person buying into racism and thinking it's cool or funny or entertaining because it doesn't affect them.
[while racism is rampant in the hearts and minds of millions, it is not allowed in any program i've ever watched, ie. noone's calling aboriginal people coons in music videos, without immense backlash, meanwhile sexism towards females in rampant in all forms with barely an outcry from the people]
i can understand lesbians enjoying sexualised females, they get to see naked ladies everywhere. however the only reason gay men enjoy the sexualisation of females is simply because this form of 'hatred and mistreatment of gender' doesn't affect them. if we saw opening anti gay or racist sentiment in the media as rampant as we see female objectification there'd be an uproar!
they are far more likely to fight for gay rights (normal, of course) than female rights. much the same as poc fighting for #blacklivesmatter and much the same as me fighting sexualisation of females. though i will also fight for the rights of gays and poc, gays are less likely to fight against female objectification. female poc might also fight sexism towards poc because they face both racism and sexism.
and therein lies my hesitation in having men transition to female. they have no idea of what it's like to be female and probably engaged female sexualisation. much like a white person wanting to transition to a person of colour with no understanding of what it is to face racism every day.
will those transgendered men to women face that sexism once they transition. yes. it is inevitable. they will also face further ridicule and mistreatment because to be a man (superior) who becomes a female (inferior) will make him less than in the eyes of other men (aside from the woke).
the same can be said of women to men. men won't accept them fully because they weren't born superior, they tried to become superior via operation. hatred will be even worse for coloured transgenders.
gays, lesbians, poc and females already face daily hardships because of how they were born (and there are groups of men who feel this way about being born male). transgenders will face the same backlash and hatreds because we don't treat people with the respect they deserve. instead we treat people with prejudices.
this is why i say if i met (and have met) a man who dresses as a woman or a woman who dresses as a man i will take them at face value and respect them as a person.
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