it's a common response and it's true. sex is a normal part of nature. people use this statement to argue they're allowed to have their fetishes; sucking on toes, body hair, defecating .. hurting, being hurt ..
a similar and frequent response to watching porn 'as normal' is based on men conquering foreign lands. often (white) folk will state that because polynesians fornicated 'out in the open' this means that watching people have sex is normal.
explorers finding new lands - and when you think about the feats involved in these explorations, the thinkers, the doers, the ships, the skills, the knowledge; once upon a time aboriginals came to oz this way - it's pretty amazing and understandable that they were curious and wanted to know what's out there then live there.
so they land in places home to people who've lived there for a long time. they write about what they're seeing, the plants, the animals, the foods, the drink, the people, the women, the rituals. they write about stumbling across lovers having sex in bushes or behind trees and this is use to site fact: these people prove it's normal for 1. people to want to fornicate in (for the) public. 2. for others to be curious and want watch them.
we've had those moments where the spontaneity took us and we had sex on a beach, in a car, at a park. but did we actually want some creeper voyeur to watch us? for some the answer is yes, for many the answer is no.
the people of that land would have also had dwellings or secret places they had sex in, just like us. they would have kept to themselves at times and had moments of outdoor spontaneity.
this doesn't mean they wanted to be watched by the strangers now on their land and in their space, that they didn't expect and want privacy, that they weren't seeking out long grass to hide in, that it was normal for lovers in the village to drop where they stood and start fornicating while one and all stood around watching, which was the implication - they didn't mind be watched, they wanted to be watched.
i'd say at the very least they didn't care if they were stumbled upon because sex was normal, yet we do not know that this meant they wanted someone to stand around watching. i'm sure their own people would have secretly watched on occasion because we are curious beings, even then this doesn't prove native people enjoyed being watched.
think about it. the stories i read, the people went to secluded places and were stumbled upon by a white man who documented it like the people who had sought to make out behind long grass were deliberately being voyeuristic, as apposed to trying to have some privacy.
we don't have the other side of the story and for all we know those couples found conquerors sexually menacing because they stumbled across them and watched them.
but wait there's more ..
seeing native people's having sex would have made those men lustful. they've no ladies of their own to fornicate with so they start taking the ladies for themselves. there might have been cases where the men were kind and women genuinely fell for them, yet for the most part this isn't history as we know it.
jump forward to now and we are viewing heinous amounts of heinous sex videos. videos of people being violated, hurt, brutalised, assaulted, raped, groomed .. some how over time the belief that 'watching others have sex; because we stumbled across natives' became, watching men, women, children and animals being hurt sexually is normal.
the lust of those conquerors somehow became the 'norm' which now means porners are normal because 'sex is normal'. even though what we're doing now with pornography isn't even sex let alone normal.
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