above: photo of back of kris kremers head taken on april 8th. while the hair is tussled it seems remarkably clean for someone who has spent 8 days in the wilderness.
some suggest there is blood present in the above image (bottom right hand corner) yet hair seems too clean to be caked with blood (and head wounds bleed like mad!)
same image on it's side. note two dark dots middle left hand side of image and 2-3 white bauble things a bit lower down. what are they? nothing but tricks on the eye or people seeing something more than there is?
some claim the head shot is the same shot as the image of kris seen above, but photo shopped to look messy. tampered with by supposed killers to look like the girls were still alive on 8th april taking the night photos. why would any one bother doing that?
this is the most likely match up to what the head image is - the back of her hair, her bun and hair all messy from days in the wild. it is doubtful the image is photo shopped and more likely just a pic of messy hair.
or maybe it's more like this â
because there is that dark spot in the lower r/h corner that doesn't line up with having skin underneath.
if it is the back of kris's head what are the anomalies in the image, that is: the two dots that look like nostrils and the whitish bauble things? fingers? earrings? hair band? just strange shadows?
note skin cannot be seen through her hair in the original image (below) so it's unlikely (yet not impossible) skin would be showing through the night time of kris's hair.
could the two dots be a shot of her ear on the side with the dark (nostril looking) dots being part of the top of the ear and the white baubles her earrings? with the rest of her hair covering her face?
kris did have 3 piercings in one ear which align withe the 2-3 white bauble things.
unlikely though, because her face doesn't match up or fit in. where is her chin and neck in the image?
superimposing kris's face over the image shows the two dots do not align with her nostrils and the white bauble things are too small to be her teeth. also the bottom of her face and top of head doesn't fit in the image (they're not in the image).
it is unlikely the two dots and the baubles are showing the back of kris's neck and back of ear/earrings because it does not align with how kris's head looks from behind.
it is too small as seen superimposed on the above image and her neck vs hair line start much further down.
what do you think? do you agree it is the back of her head showing a messy bun?
what do you think the dots and white things are?
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