some religious people actually believe being born gay is a sin. some believe it's a sinful choice made by adults. some believe satan has gotten in to them and made them gay, an abomination, sinners to be persecuted, hated, hunted down, killed. i think IF satan has made them gay it's because he wants to insight hateful riots by seeing how many people will be filled with anger, hatred and judgement. thus, those who hate them are the sinners buying into satans evil game.
but alas i don't believe in satan and i don't believe being gay is a sin. i also don't believe they choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexual people choose theirs, or any more than people choose their skin colour or their race, or any more than women choose to be women (i.e. the lesser sex in the eyes of others).
no one chooses something that will be hated and disliked; to do so goes against the laws of self preservation.
if you consider jesus (jehovah, allah, whomever you follow) was hunted down and persecuted because others wanted him dead, because they didn't like the peaceful message he was spreading - a message we were meant to learn from .. hello!!!!; then why would he want us to be doing the same (hunting down and persecuting) gays in name? he wouldn't. if your god could see you now he'd be so angry that his name is being used to insight such hateful bigotry, just as he was deeply saddened when whites when to church on sunday then hung negros from trees during the week.
no god wants you to hate. no god wants you to judge. no god wants you to be filled with anger or fear or the kind of evil that has people hurting others because they don't agree with them. to have any of those feelings in your heart is a sin. you are sinning if you do and feel that way.
remember god tests us .. and he has created man in his image .. therefore it stands to reason that gays are here to test YOUR spirit. are you failing god's test?!
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