my eyes have been open since i was a little girl. i knew that i was being told my place, my lot in life was as some object to be used and sexualised. everything around me told me that my place in life was to be sexy because that's what men want (only they don't really want it because they're no respect for it). tv shows, movies, mags, men's clubs, advertisements, signs, porn, men talking about women. it all pointed to one thing: that females are there to be owned and used, just like a car.
now some decades later the shit has hit the fan. the shit i saw coming when i was a little girl. all this over sexualisation of women has created a ferocious biological entitlement of men.
men now seek out porn, hookers, sex trafficked women and children, free, cheap, easy, dirty sex at ridiculously phenomenal rates. all because of something i saw coming as a child. if only i'd had a voice. if only i could be heard. if only i would be listened to. but i'm just one person. one mere woman in a sea of seedy lecherous greedy men who will sell our souls for the all mighty dollar. and a hundred million other seedy lecherous selfish men who will buy our souls for a moment of cheap thrills.
if only they'd rise up and say no. if only men and women would rise up and stop buying into the ill treatment of women. if only they'd stop buying and watching porn. if only they'd stop watching any and all shows that portray women as sex objects (i.e. under belly, game of thrones, and all those other hundreds of derogatory movies) if only they'd stop paying for and being strippers and sex workers. if only they stop buying mags, including women's mags which are all about feeding us the beauty myth. if only they'd stop buying sexist t.shirts and sexualised clothing. if only people would get a clue and learn to fight the system that has enslaved us and made women and children sexual commodities and men sexual slaves to the system.
come on people .. open your eyes!
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