we make a big deal out of sex. a super big deal. especially, but not just, female sex. it's not ok to be a teen acting on your new sexual desires*. you can't explore that sexual desire. if you like to have 2 lovers, you will be enjoyed in the moment then disrespected after the fact. if you enjoy one night stands you're a sinner, a skank, a ho, someone cheap, someone giving out for free. regardless of the fact that sometimes you meet and the feeling is just there. certain deeds are just wrong. men can't enjoy anal sex coz that's for the weaker sex. men can't just enjoy the female for the wonderful gift she's giving him (he wants it and is happy to meet someone who doesn't mind doing it) without slanging her afterward for being cheap, a slut, easy.
so many rules. so much shaming. so much telling females they're wrong if they supply the demand. so much telling females they're guilty if they pleased many men when those men wanted that from them. men are quite happy to use the female body but when it's over they'll disrespect her spirit. girls are happy to have that (easy) girl at the party yet have no respect for her after the boys have chewed her up and spat her out. where is their anger at the guys for being such assholes, users, disrespectful?
*even though it is ok for adults to shove their sexual desires down throats of babes
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