once upon a time men were taught by their fathers how to be impressive lovers, how to please a woman. men were taught that their manhood depended on how they could protect, provide for and please their woman.
this is evident in tantric , kama sutra learnings and others. once upon a time these books were handed down from father to son and learned fortunate men got to acquire such knowledge. the ignorant were just left to be lousy lovers. and these books weren't handed down as old time porn. it was never about what was in it for the man only or how the woman was there to service him, it was about being a pro at pleasuring the woman, knowing how to service her and what a man got in return for doing that. men must have known a happy wife equals a happy life.
these days sex is far less about pleasing a woman and more about 'all hail the mighty penis'. with pornography growing at a phenomenal rate and that porn becoming more and more about abuse of women, young girls and boys, it seems somehow 'the ignorant' have managed to become in charge of dictating our sex lives. and regardless of what they say nothing about porn is educational no matter how it's worded.
i've had my fair share of lovers and i've spoken to many many women about their sex lives and all of us have very similar stories to tell. sex with men is all about them and their penis. they no longer have the skill or the desire to really impress a woman. they no longer take their time or engage in foreplay, or learning about what makes their woman tick. for many males sex is about their own private (or not so private) porn show. it's all about sticking it in, wiggling it about then bragging to their mates about their sexual prowess (oh if only other men really knew how much their mates sucked in bed!)
sure there are great lovers out there. men who take the time to impress their woman because they pride themselves on being good in bed (and women who do the same). yet these men (and women) aren't the one's making porn (probably because they respect women too much). they're not the ones setting the scene for other men, they're not sharing their knowledge. they're not the ones in charge of teaching sex to other men and boys growing up to be men. for the most part their talents and views are lost among the ignorant who shout too loud and too proud.
it's the ignorant, abusive, women haters who make porn, the losers who can't get laid who make manga porn and sexualised female avatars, old blokes who choose making money over respect and equality for women, who will happily sexualise them to make $$$$$. i generalize, yes. these men could be awesome and have a high respect for women yet there actions and creations show otherwise - and they not always old because almost everyone has been taught this and most think it to be the truth and majority follow along because it's easier to do so. generalizations aside those making a prophet from selling women don't care about you .. they just want your money and they'll hurt whomever they want to get it. and we're raising the next generation of boys (and girls) to follow along.
and these are the people we are allowing to lead the way into modern day sexuality. time to stop and think about that
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