in much the same way as it is for females who think their overt sexuality is their choice... young men have also had their sexuality hijacked by seedy old pedo creeps.
it's been going on for decades now. old creepy ass men who no longer get any sex dictating what type of sex young men want. it's to the point now where young men think their idea of what appeals to them is theirs. well it isn't. you've all been duped, conned, tricked into thinking your desire for 'ripping her ass in two' is your own idea, your own desire.
majority of female sexual objectification and porn comes from old men with money on viagra wishing they were still young enough to have sex with hot under age teens (by the way this makes them pedos!) but they're not so they make videos about it and sell it to young men as what they should want from sex (which makes you a pedo .. yuk).
take the miley cyrus wrecking ball video clip for eg. it was made by a seedy yukko pervert who had an abusive upbringing by a man who considered women less than. he grows up thinking his dads view of women being less than is right, and beside he wasn't liked at school because he was an unattractive person (both physically and mentally), and now that he's famous (a photographer) he feels powerful and revels in his domination (his words) over women. and this dick is setting the scene / hijacking YOUR sexuality. telling young men (and women) what their sexuality should look like, what they should desire. do you really want this dick directing you?
consider that majority of men who frequent those asian sex trade countries do so for underage sex. again these are the men who are dictating what young men's sexuality should be. those men are pedos hiding under the guise of normal men. there is nothing ok about under age sex by fat ass ugly men who can't get laid to save themselves. there is nothing ok about buying sex (especially if you're too gross to get any). there is nothing ok about these types of men dictating what young men's sexuality and interests should look like. and yet these men are accepted in today's society as normal (a man's got needs right!) .. and this in turn raises young men to think under age pedo sex, treating girls as mere sex objects because it's all about the mighty penis .. is normal.
majority of the worlds porn is developed in the US (LA) by gross men who know that making porn more and more shocking sells. not because young men want to break girls asses in two or practice the harlem struggle but simply because their sexuality has been hijacked into thinking this is what hey want to see. and these gross men are only doing it to make money. to take your money! they don't give a shit who they hurt or what faculties they alter in their victims (both the people in the videos and those watching).
take an impressionable 11 year old boy for eg, do you think he really cares about anal sex coz it feels tighter and more dominating? do you think he really cares about splitting a girls ass it two? do you think he thinks of girls that way at all (just some object for him to get his rocks off)? no he doesn't. yet the chances of him thinking this way by the time he's in his teens is highly likely because older men taught him this is what he should be wanting. this is what his male sexuality should look like.
young men mark my words .. you are being brainwashed by seedy old pedo creeps, by abusive males, by men who hate women, have no respect for them and see them only as 'fuckable' .. into believing that what they desire is what you also desire.
take back your sexuality. don't let these bastards hijack your mind and your desires. reclaim what is rightfully yours and ask yourself if what you're being told and sold is really what you're sexuality would have looked like if these seedy old men hadn't gotten to you first. would manga porn (featuring prepubescent girls with camel toes) really have been what you desired before old men told you so?
p.s. old men can mean any man who is older than you because older men have been teaching young boys their seedy creepo ways for years, it's been handed down from decade to decade (a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, a man's got needs right? women are there to service those needs right?) and with each decade what we teach young boys gets more and more twisted because each previous generation was hijacked into thinking this is what he should be doing.
will you pass this shit onto the next generation or will the buck stop with you?
p.p.s. how the buck stops with you
- stop watching porn - it's made by creepy men trying to tell you females are just real life blow up dolls made for you to stick things into.
- stop accepting men who go to asian countries for underage sex, they're not your mates (they're pedos).
- stop asking girls to sext and don't share those sexts around - again this is older men directing your sexuality and your disrespect for females. other men know when you share those sexts around they'll eventually get a hold of those pics for their own private (creepy pedo) collection.
- don't treat females as though they're just sex objects. they're no more a sex object than you are and you shouldn't be tricked into thinking they are.
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