being overtly sexual is playing right into the hands of men who require more and more of that from us these days.
you'll get ignorant wanna be feminist claiming it's slut shamming if any body dares speak out about women who damage the reputation of themselves and others by being overtly sexual. because apparently it's her body and she should be free to do with it what ever she wants.
yeah right! that's like saying it's a pedo's body and he can do with it what ever he wants. (don't get all shitty about my use of he either, i realise there are also fem pedo's out there.)
utter bs. if i say put your clothes back on, you're not empowering anyone, that is NOT slut shamming. for starters i haven't called anyone a slut. i don't believe in the word slut as a way of describing a woman who is as sexually active as men (just because men, and other women, don't want or can't handle a women who is equally or more sexually active than them).
let's run with a scenario. i'm completely naked in a shopping mall. i drop to the ground and start posing in sexual positions. some guys (and maybe gals) might be turned on and want to have sex with me. many people will be horrified. children mortified and confused - what is she doing? why is she doing it? what is she trying to say? achieve? security will come and i'll be charged with public lewdness.
some will say i'm arrested because people can't stand fem sexuality. agian bs! if a man did the same thing we'd feel the same - and men rule the earth remember!
so... keeping with the above scenario but instead of a shopping mall i'm posing in those sexual positions on fb, twitter, instagram, tumbler, play boy, tv etc.
why is it suddenly not public lewdness? why does it suddenly change to 'a female being empowered by her sexuality'? it's certainly no less fucking private!!!!!
again i put it to you that there is nothing, zero, nadda, empowering about being sexually explicit and being seen by the public. it is merely just a product of our indoctrination into man's world. women have been conned and tricked into thinking they're cool, sexy, sexual beings by being some kind of public porn star. where as in actual fact they are simply puppets with men pulling their strings no matter how much they think the choice was theirs.
yet another naive woman thinking it's empowering to be overtly publicly sexual |
how many 8 year old girls did those women inspired to be president of the US? how many girls did they inspire to be elite athletes? how many women suddenly got equal pay once those overtly sexual females came into play? how many sexual slaves were set free because women have become more powerful owning their own sexuality? (the answer to that last question, sadly, is more girls will become sexual salves because overtly sexualised women inadvertently increase the demand for free and easy sex).
how many women were really empowered by those videos? how many women are really empowered by other overtly sexual females? how many little boys, girls or even men are?
really have a big think about this, especially all you women... what does taking your sexuality back and empowering others REALLY look like?
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