yes .. i have labelled all african american music, singers, artists (if you can call them that) sexist.
yes .. as soon as i hear an african american man singing i assume his song is sexist.
this is because majority of the time it is .. and the video clips! gag! worst thing ever!!
women are referred to as: pussy, bitch, whore (ho), sit on this, suck on that .. blah blah blah - sorry stopped listening because all you're singing about is shit!
all the songs are about him having cash, pussy, cars, drugs ..
well sorry dude but the one thing you don't have is equality so tell me again how your sex, drugs and cash make you awesome?
any man who's going to cash up himself at the expense of female sexuality is a loser in my book. that is not real success. it's more down trodden bullshit while he pretends he's all that.
supposedly white folk are instrumental in this portrayal of women. they love to go to concerts and buy the music and watch the pornified video clips. guess white privlage pays for the mistreatment and disrespect of coloured women ..
and black men are right up there beside the white men letting it happen and profiting off the misfortune of their female brethren. as for where women of colour sit in all this .. i don't know? do they like it? does it please them? are they happy about their lot? do they think it's sexual freedom and equality? are they buying into the sexist bullshit too?
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