it is not the female porn stars who are empowered by pornography (filmed prostituion / porna = prostitute, graphy = documentation) - it is the pimps and creeps who make the porn.
it is not the females who work in strip clubs who are empowered - it is the person who owns the venues making all the money.
it is not the women who appear in mens mags who are empowered - it is the men who sell the magazines (ie. hugh hefner and how rich he became when very few of his models ever became as rich and powerful as him).
it is not the prostitutes who are empowered - it is the johns who get to have their way with them and the pimps who profit from dis-empowered women (females/girls).
remember that the females caught up in the sex are there because they ran out of money and options. that is NOT empowerment!
a man inventing the bikini and females embracing them is not empowering for women - it is the companies who profit from the sale of skimpy swimwear who are in power.
a man inventing high heels for women is not empowering for women - they are seriously bad for our feet and our backs. it is the companies who profit from the sale of this patriarchal concept who are in power.
sure women love bikinis and high heels, we see them as freeing and sexy. but think for a moment. if women had ruled the world would be have created such things for ourselves? why embrace these concepts invented by men to pornify us? why?
a great way to know if it's empowering is to see who's lining up to do it. are men lining up to appear in the pornified images eloise uses - as those who are undressed? is elose herself lining up to appear in these images? is donald trump? are men clamoring to be seen in bikinis? are men clamoring to wear high heels?
chances are if eloise appeared in her company images she'd lose credibility among her male colleagues. why? not because they would be threatened by her empowerment but because they know and see it for what it really is; dis-empowerment.
many women who work in the sex industry refer to their work as empowering. had a convo with a lady from a strip club who said she liked having control over men. needing to control others for your own power is not empowerment. it is more proof you never had any power to begin with. and being sexualised is not empowerment, otherwise women would rule the world!!!!
being sexualised is merely a form of sexism. that is all and nothing more. as soon as women see this for what it really is the sooner we can put a stop to it and find our own true form of sexual liberation. one that didn't come from men telling us what our own sexual liberation should look like (funny how it looks like serving them ..)
imagine .. true sexual liberation where we are completely free to be our true sexual selves without being sexualised for the profit and gain of others.
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