adam goodes has been thrown under the bus recently because he dared to speak up about australia's underlying racism towards our aboriginal brethren.
suddenly everyone is up in arms because how dare he make such a disrespect comment during his australian of the year speech.
thing is adam is correct. it may not be all of us or even many of us however australia's are racist and do pass that racism down through the generations and onto people they know.
recently while camping we met a couple with two chilren. they seemed nice enough. then some aboriginals came to the camp site and the man starts telling us how he has to hide his stuff because they'll steal it. like white men don't steal!
his comments made me angry and i told him he was stereotyping and that a great many are good and decent people. even game him some examples of great work they're doing in their communities. he disagreed with me, telling me 'most' are not good. thing is he was saying this in front of his young children. they're hearing him talk badly about aboriginals which is how this bigotry and hated is passed onto the next generation.
truth is most people who piss and moan about aboriginals have never met any, don't know any, have certainly not been friends with any. (same as most other cultures and races they hate).
i hate how we're passing these bullshit opinions on to others and onto the next generations. and adam goodes does as well, and he has a right to feel that way because it's true. australians are spreading these ignorant malicious stories about our kinsmen. it's time to let the bullshit go.
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