my eyes have been open since i was a little girl. i knew that i was being told my place, my lot in life was as some object to be used and sexualised. everything around me told me that my place in life was to be sexy because that's what men want (only they don't really want it because they're no respect for it). tv shows, movies, mags, men's clubs, advertisements, signs, porn, men talking about women. it all pointed to one thing: that females are there to be owned and used, just like a car.
now some decades later the shit has hit the fan. the shit i saw coming when i was a little girl. all this over sexualisation of women has created a ferocious biological entitlement of men.
men now seek out porn, hookers, sex trafficked women and children, free, cheap, easy, dirty sex at ridiculously phenomenal rates. all because of something i saw coming as a child. if only i'd had a voice. if only i could be heard. if only i would be listened to. but i'm just one person. one mere woman in a sea of seedy lecherous greedy men who will sell our souls for the all mighty dollar. and a hundred million other seedy lecherous selfish men who will buy our souls for a moment of cheap thrills.
if only they'd rise up and say no. if only men and women would rise up and stop buying into the ill treatment of women. if only they'd stop buying and watching porn. if only they'd stop watching any and all shows that portray women as sex objects (i.e. under belly, game of thrones, and all those other hundreds of derogatory movies) if only they'd stop paying for and being strippers and sex workers. if only they stop buying mags, including women's mags which are all about feeding us the beauty myth. if only they'd stop buying sexist t.shirts and sexualised clothing. if only people would get a clue and learn to fight the system that has enslaved us and made women and children sexual commodities and men sexual slaves to the system.
come on people .. open your eyes!
the ramblings and opinions of one female living life on this crazy planet called Earth
Monday, July 27, 2015
Monday, July 20, 2015
fat shamming vs fat acceptance
i can understand people's desire not to be hated on for being overweight or obese. no person should be hated, shamed, mocked disrespected for their appearance.
there is movement towards plus size models and photographers taking pics of women of all shapes and sizes. the diversity of women and men's preferences for different women is being highlighted more and more, as we move away from the standard model the press has set us to believe is the ideal.
but .. is being overweight or obese really a body shape / type, or the outward signs of an uncontrollable addiction to food?
body shapes for women are pear, apple, athletic etc. you can get skinny pears, medium pears and overweight pears. yes women come in all shapes and sizes but not sure if obesity should be celebrated or supported. isn't that just the corporations who make us this way winning? or is it us fighting back and reclaiming our rights? are we saying 'you made us fat now deal with the fall out as we become the new norm'?
if we did something similar like photographed women of all different types of addictions would we be as celebratory if the women were heroin addicts, alcoholics, gamblers? and what of over weight or obese men? are they equally celebrated or supported?
i'm all for people not being mistreated for how they look. at the same time claiming that overweight and obese people should be ok'd by society as somehow some new norm is not a good thing.
people in this condition are struggling, miserable, unhappy .. otherwise why turn to food to hide the pain you're feeling?
Saturday, July 4, 2015
being gay is not a sin, hating them is
some religious people actually believe being born gay is a sin. some believe it's a sinful choice made by adults. some believe satan has gotten in to them and made them gay, an abomination, sinners to be persecuted, hated, hunted down, killed. i think IF satan has made them gay it's because he wants to insight hateful riots by seeing how many people will be filled with anger, hatred and judgement. thus, those who hate them are the sinners buying into satans evil game.
but alas i don't believe in satan and i don't believe being gay is a sin. i also don't believe they choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexual people choose theirs, or any more than people choose their skin colour or their race, or any more than women choose to be women (i.e. the lesser sex in the eyes of others).
no one chooses something that will be hated and disliked; to do so goes against the laws of self preservation.
if you consider jesus (jehovah, allah, whomever you follow) was hunted down and persecuted because others wanted him dead, because they didn't like the peaceful message he was spreading - a message we were meant to learn from .. hello!!!!; then why would he want us to be doing the same (hunting down and persecuting) gays in name? he wouldn't. if your god could see you now he'd be so angry that his name is being used to insight such hateful bigotry, just as he was deeply saddened when whites when to church on sunday then hung negros from trees during the week.
no god wants you to hate. no god wants you to judge. no god wants you to be filled with anger or fear or the kind of evil that has people hurting others because they don't agree with them. to have any of those feelings in your heart is a sin. you are sinning if you do and feel that way.
remember god tests us .. and he has created man in his image .. therefore it stands to reason that gays are here to test YOUR spirit. are you failing god's test?!
but alas i don't believe in satan and i don't believe being gay is a sin. i also don't believe they choose their sexual orientation any more than heterosexual people choose theirs, or any more than people choose their skin colour or their race, or any more than women choose to be women (i.e. the lesser sex in the eyes of others).
no one chooses something that will be hated and disliked; to do so goes against the laws of self preservation.
if you consider jesus (jehovah, allah, whomever you follow) was hunted down and persecuted because others wanted him dead, because they didn't like the peaceful message he was spreading - a message we were meant to learn from .. hello!!!!; then why would he want us to be doing the same (hunting down and persecuting) gays in name? he wouldn't. if your god could see you now he'd be so angry that his name is being used to insight such hateful bigotry, just as he was deeply saddened when whites when to church on sunday then hung negros from trees during the week.
no god wants you to hate. no god wants you to judge. no god wants you to be filled with anger or fear or the kind of evil that has people hurting others because they don't agree with them. to have any of those feelings in your heart is a sin. you are sinning if you do and feel that way.
remember god tests us .. and he has created man in his image .. therefore it stands to reason that gays are here to test YOUR spirit. are you failing god's test?!
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