heard the story about a girl who went down on a guy at a festival. it's all over the internet. what a ho she is. a slut. people bagging her out. bullying her behind computer screens (cowards and hypocrits as though they've never sinned in their life - and is it a sin?)
a lot of talk about double standards.
she's a ho because she did that to him. he's just a bloke taking it like a man. he's the hero who got a blow job while she's the skank who gave one. personally i fucking hate blow jobs, hurts my face to give them so good on her for being able to give a man something i have no great desire to.
there's talk about her doing that in public. gotta be some sort of tart to pull that shit off. well what about the guy getting the blowy in public. why's he not shamed and blamed for being some shanky ho piece of shit? he obviously wanted it. no one around at the time had a problem with it. they were all happy for her to do it. now that it's done everyone's got some thing against her.
ok so her daddy won't be proud (who knows, maybe he doesn't give a fuck). but are his parents any more proud?
let's turn the tables a bit. there are guys who would say no to a girl doing that to them in public. why is this guy different? what it is about him that makes him say yes when others would say no? what it is about the bystanders that make them say it's ok (at the time)? are their morals lacking? then again is it really that big a deal morals need come into play? why is it not ok for her to like giving oral sex but ok for him to want it? because it was done in public? yes, but he did it in public too!
why are we shocked that she did it (and evidently, trial by social media, shouldn't have). yet we're not shocked that he did it (but evidently should - you go bro!).
assuming we don't hate gays as much as sluts would it be any different if two blokes were doing it? who would be the slut then? maybe they both would because we don't like gays either. so pretty much if you're not a heterosexual male getting the blow job -- you're a piece of shit society wouldn't wipe off the bottom of their shoe.
60 odd years ago both the girl and the guy would have been shamed and blamed for being caught doing something like that in public. it would have been humiliating for both, parents and society would have hackled them both. today only the girl gets shot down in flames, bullied, harassed. the guy is a rock star.
obviously guys think it's ok to get blow jobs at festivals so it stands to reason girls might also think it's ok to give them. the reasoning that makes him think it's ok is the same reasoning she thinks so too.
point is: there were two people involved so why just pick on one? there were stacks of voyeuristic bystanders, why aren't they to blame? why aren't they perverts deviate pieces of shit for watching the free peep show?
before hanging a girl and labeling her a slut how about looking at all the factors involved in how a situation like this came to pass.
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