people talk of man (this includes women) being the most adaptable species on the planet because we can build sky scrapers and research cures for aids. we have electricity and cars. we can move water. we can make children for those who otherwise wouldn't be able to have any. we can outsmart other animals who are faster, stronger and more dangerous (debatable) than us.
we're supposedly more enlightened, more intelligent. we've come a long way in what we've developed and created for ourselves.
yet we're still so unevolved.
for all our smarts we haven't figured out pesticides are bad and killing off the bees. well, we do know it and we're still doing it anyway so how clever is that?
for all our smarts we still haven't figured out how to plant crops in a way that doesn't wreak havoc on the land which then stops new crops from growing. funny because we knew how to do this before.
for all our smarts we still haven't figured out large chemical companies need to be shut down. that chemicals in all our stuff isn't actually good for us.
for all our smarts we've failed to keep pornography in check. even now when we know the damage it is having on society we'll still keep going. how clever is that?
for all our smarts we're yet to realise sexual objectification against women is harmful to society, that rape and porn culture are harming the way we treat women and children. but let's keep it going because it makes money. for all our smarts we haven't realised the 'money rules' thing is wrong.
for all our smarts we fail to see that censorship needs to exist otherwise let's just bring back public hangings, burnings and be-headings.
for all our smarts we've failed to keep sex-trafficking and human slavery in check. in fact it's growing and we, in all our infinite wisdom, are failing to stop it.
for all our smarts we cannot fathom that factory farming is cruel and unnecessary and no profit is worth that kind of pain and horror.
for all our smarts we still haven't figured out greed is wrong. we still have't figured out there is enough to go around if only we shared and we haven't figured out a way to entice people to share, a way that forces people not to be greedy.
for all our smarts we haven't figured out a decent school system. one that teaches our children how to treat others respectfully, one that teaches them about the wrongs of bullying. we're more focused on math and english and not on ethics. one that teaches our children real sex education. not just how to stick a condom on and where the penis goes but how to know if a girl is ready, how to actually have sex in a decent and respectful manner.
for all our smarts we haven't figured out a way to live that doesn't damage the environment and the planet. we haven't figured out a way to live that doesn't damage each other. we haven't figured out a way to live along side one anther peacefully.
maybe man is king of the beasts because he is the best and being beastly?
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