The first time it happened ..
I woke in the middle of the night, awake yet completely unable to move. I was told this is just sleep paralyzes, when your body prevents you from hurting yourself by making chemicals in the brain, this stops you thrashing about during your dreams and hurting yourself or others. Some times you can wake but your body is still paralyzed. It wears off and you're back to normal.
I didn't know that at the time. I was younger and didn't know what was happening. Being awake and unable to open my eyes or move scared the hell out of me.
Suddenly there was this deftly noise in my ears, a scream, but outer worldly. Like nothing I'd ever heard before. I froze and my blood ran cold. My heart skipped a beat. When it began beating again it was pounding a mile a minute and I still couldn't move.
The screaming was accompanied by my body being furiously shaken as though something was trying to wake me. I still couldn't move.
Then the screaming stopped, the shaking stopped and I could open my eyes. It was dark all around me but I knew I was facing the wall. I could feel my nose pressed up against it.
Slowly I was able to move my head, then my limbs until I could finally turn, sit up and switch the bedside lamp on. My bedside clock said 3am. The room was empty. Nothing and no-one there. Just me and my heart beating a mile a minute. I was still scared out of my wits wondering what had just happened. Too afraid to turn the light off and go back to sleep. I settled for sleeping with the light on.
This strange incident became almost a nightly occurrence and began to change (but more about that some other time). I just assumed I was going insane. It started when I moved into the apartment and stopped when I moved out. The previous tenants never had anything like this happen to them.
To this day I still don't understand what it was I heard or what was happening all those years ago.
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