It didn't happen again the following night.
It happened a couple of nights later. It started off exactly the same. Me waking and not being able to move. Lying there willing myself to open my eyes and move my body. But I couldn't.
The screaming in my ear started again and the shaking. This time the screaming and the shaking were more forceful and I felt very afraid. They stopped as suddenly as they started and when I could move I turned on my bedside lamp and again the clock said 3am. That made my heart skip a beat and I wondered what was going on and what was the significance of the time.
I lay in bed with the light on for a very long time unable to get back to sleep. Eventually I dosed off but kept waking, afraid of hearing the scream again.
When I woke in the morning I was so tired from my bad sleep.
Things began to get worse and more frequent. I began to wake in the middle of the night with a feeling of being pinned down. Something heavy sitting on my body, pinning my arms and legs down. Other times I woke to the feeling of a cat scratching at my feet. I would turn off the light and feel a dark presence standing in the corner of the room watching me, waiting for me to doze off. This ominous presence got stronger and stronger until eventually it was always there and I couldn't sleep. Even sleeping with the light on didn't stop the screaming in my ears and something shaking me.
I began drinking copious amounts of coffee and trying to keep myself awake until past 3am, since this was the time the screaming kept happening.
Being so tired all the time I began to fall asleep during the day. The screaming started happening then too. Then I started being dragged off my bed while I slept. I would wake to feel the covers moving off me very slowly and my body being dragged towards the end of the bed. Waking before I actually fell, I would see the time said 3am.
I asked friends what was happening to me. Some who believe in out body experiences told me the dark spirit was waiting for me to leave my body so it could possess my body. They told me there was a good spirit watching over me keeping me safe and making sure I got back into my body before the dark spirit did. The feeling of being dragged off the bed was symbolic of me leaving my earthly body.
Others thought it might be the spirit of my dead ex boyfriend coming back to haunt me and try and take me with him.
I began to lose weight, was unable to sleep at night time and unable to stay awake during the day. I would have friends come and stay over at night time to keep me safe and while the screaming didn't happen while they were there, the feeling of something dark standing over me prevailed.
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