i know not many, if anybody, reads this opinion piece and it's practically obscure .. still i want to weigh in on this important current affair.
i'm not an expert, my opinion isn't final, it's fluid with a view to understanding i'm not in this boat and can't know for sure.
dysmorphia meaning - deformity or abnormality in the shape or size of a specified part of the body.
generally when we speak of body dysmorphia we mean a false idea of what is wrong with a person, in that a person with body dysmorphia may perceive they have something wrong with them, i.e. obsessing that their thighs are too big when their thighs are actually fine.
anorexia comes to mind. though in truth an anorexic person usually knows they're not 'fat', instead they believe there is too much fat or body mass that still needs to be removed before things can be perfect and body/life can be controlled.
what if .. and hear me out .. gender dysmorphia is .. an illness much like anorexia? whereby the person feels they can control their body/life by living as whatever they perceive themselves to be while in actuality it fixes nothing?
what if .. gender fluidity is for certain and there are no male/female 'traits' only different ways of being? yet gender dysmorphia is just that .. dysmorphic?
what if .. no one is born in the wrong body, no one is born the wrong sex, people don't really identify as the opposite or no gender .. but in fact are simply their own unique being - i.e. a female who feels more masculine and is perceived (mistaken) as masculine while still remaining female (by way of no formal sex change operation) who decides they identify as they/them, because society has thrust upon them they're not a normal female, because of societal views placed upon how they should be/act?
what if having gender changing surgery is as malpractice as starving yourself into perfection/control? what if it's truly harming the people who have these operations thinking it will be their savoir yet the reality is they were fine the way they were/are, it's simply that society hasn't or wasn't accepting them for who/how they are?
what if .. masculine females and effeminate males are normal and always have been and people can still be biological male or female and still not like, do or behave the way society has labeled us all as having to behave? but this doesn't mean they're not their biological sex or they don't/can't identify as their biological sex. maybe feeling that way is actually dysmorphic?
what if your biological sex is still correct and right and ok .. it's just that those around you are not accepting of how you wish to behave and live, and therefore you/others perceive this as not being the right gender?
in the end how a person lives their lives is their business, and someone not living that experience has no right to control what the person does or doesn't do with their lives.
however, unlike anorexia, gender dysmorphia can harm others in that ..
having gender operations can and are going very very wrong .. which utterly harms those whose operations didn't go right (it's really difficult to change an entire body to be something else and not all surgeons are good at it).
biological males joining female sports groups or competing against females (as a female) is harmful to other females (what of their rights?)
there are cases of men pretending to identify as females to access females and children in their sacred and protected spaces. how are females and children to tell the difference from a male who truly identifies as females and men who are pretending? how does one prove this!
there are cases of men who claim to identify as female, sexually abusing females and children, who then claim to be a female perpetrator. this is very harmful to all involved.
and if .. it is a mental illness, is it not harmful to accept it as (false) reality - much like accepting an anorexic persons' refusal to eat or that someone with schizophrenia doesn't actually have schizophrenia?
the answer seems simple. give those who identify as the opposite/no gender their own spaces: toilets, change rooms, teams, groups - let them share those spaces with each other .. and leave those who identify as their biological/birth gender to their own spaces and places.
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