one of my biggest pet hates is people who are in a position of power who do nothing to further their brother or sisterhood, even worse when they go against them.
how male african american singer, songwriters treat their women for example. sexualising them, flashing money to show females can be bought and they've got the power to do so. bolstering their position in life by following in the footsteps of white men who 'buy & trade' people for a living. if they're wanting to better the lives of the females (and thus the children) in their lives they're going about it the wrong way.
how muslim extremists blow themselves up for example. if they want to sell their religion to the world as being the one true religion, then blowing themselves up does them a disservice. i don't know about you, but, i don't want to be part of a religion where i might have to die violently for the cause.
how the male cast of GoT and other male movie stars don't stand up for the women in the show and demand the women get to remain as dressed as the men (or the men get to be as undressed as the women).
how kim kardashian sells her soul to the devil [i.e. sells her sexuality for fame and profit like some narcissistic, attention seeking school girl] regardless of the fact woman all over the world suffer from inequality.
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kim kardashian narcissistic attention seeking |
one might argue it isn't kim's roll to save us all. i beg to differ. anyone in a position of power and fame and popularity should have it as their #1 cause to 'better humanity' .. not just cash in on their sexuality like some ditz with nothing else to offer but boobs, bum and vagina. little girls are watching this lady parade about in next to nothing. what is kim teaching them? "get naked 'aka sell your soul' and you too could be famous like me!"
not even nearly a good enough message!!!!
i know there are hoards of women out their crapping on about how women should be able to wear what ever we want and still be respected .. but the thing is we've been doing this bullshit (wearing little because supposedly we want to and not because the patriarchy sold us this as a way of defining ourselves as attractive to men) since the 70s and it hasn't gotten us anywhere!
we've been getting our boobs out for decades now and we're still not paid the same as men, still killed and beaten in ridiculous numbers, still trafficked for sex in the thousands, still tricked into making violent porn movies for men to masturbate over and coming out with ptsd, still killed by incels because we won't sleep with them, still sexually harrassed #metoo, still selling our daughters on insta for pedos to wank over, still doing the low paid menial jobs, still not presidents or primeministers, still not many astronaughts or ceo's.
come on kims of the world. put your clothes back on and get behind the sisterhood and make the world a better place for us. don't make it worse by sending daft messages to girls and boys that women are meant to be naked and sexy and plastic surgeried to beautification and boys are meant to lust after us and want to have sex with us .. and that's all we're good for.
put your clothes back on and stand up for women and them being equal to men!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. notice how kanye isn't getting undressed for the camera, posing in a g.string in a cupboard all sexy like. that's because he knows it's a ridiculous thing to do. men get it, they understand, they know!!!
why haven't women gotten that point yet?
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