been told that since i was knee high to the grasshopper. maybe it's true. maybe it's not. don't really care what the 'experts' say. coz i know when it comes to sex i think about it often and in more detail than my man.
i think about the small details. where; a party, a night club, a company dinner, driving in the car. what i'm wearing at those events, my actions, his actions
i think about things like him checking to see what bra i'm wearing while nobodies looking. what knickers do i have on. are they his favourite? does he like the feel of them. him kissing my neck randomly. him licking my ear while people are occupied. us whispering sweet nothings. he'll tell me he's thinking about my nipples. me telling him i'm thinking about tickling his balls. random shit to appeal and tease.
i think of him in me too, times, scenarios. but it's the lead up, getting in the head space that appeals the most. the flirting. the teasing. the seduction. SEDUCTION is the operative word. tantalizing. titillating. teasing. touching.
i think of things like him touching me while we watch tv. me sucking on his ear lobe. caressing. distracting. doesn't have to lead to sex. just hint at it and be part of the pre fun, the build up, the wanton.
i think of things like him really teasing me with his cock. lightly touching my entrance. stopping, starting. going in, coming out. lightly touching the entrance again and so it goes until i can't take it any longer and just have to feel him in me, deeper.
men may want it more, but i think about how to make it awesome and fun and so lustful we feel like love gods.
the ramblings and opinions of one female living life on this crazy planet called Earth
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
I feel this way when you ...
i feel neglected when you invite me along to a gathering, insist that i come along, get upset if i don't, only to leave me for dust upon arrival. i need you to remember i'm there or let me choose to not come. [by choose i mean accept i'm not coming and don't argue the reasons i should come, and don't try to badger me into coming]
there's a fair bit of push and shove that goes on at this point. him defending his actions. me trying to reason my view. it goes back and forth for a while.
there is either an impasse or a sorry that comes afterward and a promise not to do it next time. at which stage i start insisting on not having [being forced] to attend the events [they're clearly not for or about me - my enjoyment is not relevant]. at which stage he'll accuse me of not trying to mingle and i'm like, yeah i know, i don't like mingling / being left on my own. you want me there .. do more with me. blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda
each time i insist on not going, though maybe once a year i get swayed into going, only to groundhog day the whole thing over and over again. wondering why i haven't kicked myself in the head yet. wondering why he can't accept this is what happens and accept that i don't enjoy myself and don't want to do it.
why why why .. delilah ???
it's exasperating. how do you reason with someone like that?
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