they invented gonzo porn, torture porn, rape porn, revenge porn, festivals sluts, and songs that say 'i'll give you something to split your ass in two'... oh no... wait... that's us. we do that. us westerners. us white & black men.
we terrorize our women because they dare to friend zone us, get girls drunk at parties so a group of guys can raped them, rape and sexually harass collage girls, rape 12 year old girls in public while people stand around watching, rape drunk 14 year old girls and film it to share around, then let our guys off when they rape our women because it somehow isn't their fault they're rapist...
75% of the worlds porn is made in the US, gonzo porn, the worst most sickest fuck to ever exist, is a US invention... pornography is a US invention (larry flynt) and there are a million billion non muslim men watching this shit... we create violently sexual / sexist shows like got that reinforce the rape culture we are perpetuating, we use our female performers sexually to titillate and make copious amounts of money for men....
crush videos, bdsm, sexually explicit music videos, sexism towards girls/women, sex trafficking (made worse by western men within the UN), king hitting, gun massacres... all these terrorizing things western men do...
while crapping on about how bad muslims are. me thinks it's a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
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