1) they should decriminalise drugs like portugal have and give those addicted to drugs free help as part of their treatment plan
2) they should employ the swedish model to decrease the demand in sex workers and trafficking
3) they should convict and jail any corportate criminals that ruin the lives of others through greed like iceland did
4) they should back australian's and ban fracking as other countries have done
5) they should embrace the cuban way of living as a way of dealing with their oil crisis (before we have an oil crisis of our own)
6) they should give their citizens free education as is done in europe
7) they should ban monsanto (gmo) the way other countries have done
8) they should ban pesticides and other chemical farming and embrace and promote growing organic they way cuba have done
9) they should consider making pornography illegal the way some countries have done (especially the access of gonzo porn) and if not making it illegal then make it only accessable via payment / account / password
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