the previous night they had, had a conversation about her depression. she had told him she'b been feeling down for 4 weeks now. he asked if she was down because of things he'd done. she explained how the depression was there first, and some of the things he did added to her negative thoughts, leaving her feeling more morose. he was sweet about it, gave her a hug. wanted to hold her that night in bed.
that night, before the conversation about her depression, he'd shown her an article '10 ways (for guys) to know if you're bad in bed'. it listed things like skipping foreplay, forgetting about her orgasm, she's faking orgasms, she's not making any noise, she's making too much noise.
she had said she could relate to all of the points to some degree. he was surprised yet showed no signs of resentment towards her remark. the article had said men think about sex all day while women think about work and dinner and someone who cut them off on the way home and not sex so much.
the following day she asks him if he thinks about sex all day. he says not all day, just sometimes during the day. she asked him what types of things made him think about sex. he told her, seeing an attractive woman up the street.
it might be a harmless comment. the type of comment any one could take like water off a ducks back.
but in that moment her mind had gone kaboom! on top of all else that remark hurt her in a way she couldn't' described. gutted came close. she didn't know why, only that on some basic level she would have much preferred he'd said something she did made him think about sex.
she wished she didn't have such a fragile mind and could laugh it off as 'that's how all people roll', it's nothing. and yet her thoughts had imploded and the depression got a little bit darker.
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