since then the media has done it's usual twist airing things like females, they shouldn't be alone in parks (mick hughes). don't walk alone at night, don't wear headphones, don't take public transport alone, don't wear certain types of clothing. there always seems to be this onus on the female's part to not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. us females should keep ourselves safe from predators as best we can.
some agree saying it's being precautious because men will be men. mishel laurie (the project) says 'i'm going to continue to tell my daughter to lower her possibility of being in a vulnerable situation.'
being told we must stay inside to keep ourselves safe feels like step back into the olden days. it's like being told we're almost at fault if we dare to leave the house then get attacked. i understand caution. we all have an innate ability to be weary and be precautious. but when it's implied masa should not have walked alone at night time because that is what got her killed, it's completely misleading. what got her killed was a a man intent on harming someone that night.
that's what gets all people killed. someone being intent on harming someone. considering majority of females are attacked in their own homes by men who supposedly love them, i fail to see how telling us to stay home and not walk around at night time is actually being precautious.
i disagree with meshel completely when she says surely it's easier to tell females to stay safe than it is to tell men not to hurt us, because the fact is we haven't tried teaching men that. whereas we've been educating women for decades on how to be safe and it's not working. men are not educated or their emotions explored around their propensity towards violence and it's been that way for a long time. they're not taught where to seek help if they do feel like hurting someone, they're not taught to seek understanding from another male friend who can maybe calm them down.
instead we continue to focus on what the females can do to remain safe. time for a new strategy!
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