many men are unhappy and disgruntled with their lot. you
talk to them and you’ll hear how they hate their jobs, their bosses, their
wives, their lives. they hate having to work for the man for a fraction of what
the bosses earn even though they work harder than the bosses. they have to work
long hours to provide a roof over their heads and food on the table. they have
to slave away for hours a day doing a job they hate til death / retirement do
they part so they can earn the bare minimum to get by so they can line the
pockets of the filthy rich. it’s compulsory to work unless you
want to be a homeless bum or live off welfare. work is not a choice. work is not negotiable. it's expected of all of us. it’s
frustrating to be a man trying to work your way into some type of middle class
social status so you can pretend your life is better and you have more rights. you have a couple of choices; be a doll bludger who can hardly afford to exist,
work your ass off to become middle class with a house, car, wife and kids, work
extra specially hard (or skill / luck) to make it into the rich class to become
one of the rich assholes you (and the world) despises so much. you hate them so
much because they monopolise everything. control everything. dictate
everything. decide how you will and can live. in fact the only reason you have
to work is to line their stinking rich pockets while you struggle with the price
of fuel, bank fees, rising bills, rising interest rates, tax rates and all the
other bloody rates in the world, that exist jut to line the pockets of the
filthy rich.
men unhappily working their asses off so they can kind of
almost keep up with the jones’s without any great deal of hope that life will
get that much better when they’re there. men who unhappily work knowing they
will never even remotely get there and their world will never be better. even if
you reach some semblance of middle class you’ll find that life still stinks.
then there is divorce where women win most of the custody
battles even though the court system is run by and created mostly by men. in
short the whole world is rich men dictating the lives of pore to middle class
men and men having to suck that shit up because there is no other way around
it. there is no other way of making the world some fairer better more equal
so what do men do to cope? they drink, they use drugs, they watch porn, they treat women and children like shit or punching bags
or sex toys. they feel angry and resentful and take it out on those around
them. king hitting pore souls in the street. get addicted to ice. visiting
prostitutes and wanting to do the horrific things to them they've seen done to women in the porn vids
they’re addicted to. they sext on facebook, send dick selfies to women they have befriended in hopes to have some sex talk while wanking off to words on a
screen – because it made them forget about their shitty life for a moment. the porn that they watch, the drugs they take, the alcohol they drink, the food they each to forget about their dreary lives lines the pockets of the filthy rich who boxed them into
the shitty lives they live in the first place. they even create the shitty porn and traffic women and children that hurts and damages them in the hopes that they’ll make it into
the filthy rich group who set them up to fail in the first place. they’re
depressed, they’re taking pills for mental disorders, pills to keep their dicks hard, pills to make them happy, pills to make them forget and become zombies.
what do the rich do to keep the masses happy and content and
not thinking about how shit their lives are, how unfair it is to work for the
sole purpose to line the pockets of the filthy rich? they create addictions, drugs - legal and illegal, alcohol, gambling, fast food, coke, sugar, sexism, sex
sells, more strip clubs, more porn mags, more pop / porn stars, more men’s mags,
more men’s shows full of tits and bums, more prostitutes (and if they can’t get
more they force more women into it by trafficking women), they invent porn in
all arrays of fetishes and interests, violent, abusive, hurtful, damaging,
addictive. all to line their own pockets and shut the people up so they don’t
argue against the unjust world they live in.
men viewing child porn is on the rise. men who abuse their
partners is on the rise. men who abuse drugs and alcohol is on the rise. all
because they’re pissed off about their lives, pissed off that they feel
powerless to change anything for the better, pissed off that they can’t “pay
back” that prick of a boss who treats them like shit even though without them
the company wouldn’t exist, pissed off that women are now wanting and demanding
more rights while the rights of men is still woefully inadequate.
it’s like we’ve reached some crisis point, created some armageddon within humanity. too many people for the government to actually take
care of. too many people who require mental health care, too many abused women
who require assistance, too many children who are abused and lost in the
system, with minimal funds actually put into helping citizens, while billions
of dollars are spent inventing ways to keep the people quiet and further line the pockets of the filthy