freedom of speech or freedom to be cruel?
gone are the days when men got 50 lashings for stealing bread. gone are the days when people were tortured in dark dingy dungeons with hot oil poured down their throats for lying. gone are the days when people's head were publicly displayed on spikes as a warning to others not to break the law. gone are the people who inflicted this type or pain and torture upon fellow humans.
nope, this is the day and age of freedom of speech and rights for humanity. people aren't allowed to be cruel or break laws any more .. right?
love to say yes but all i can think about is
animal crush videos allowed to circulate the internet without prosecution and sick assholes who watch them.
animal cruelty in general, how we treat animals that will soon end up on our plates.
cyber bullies, aka gutless piss ants, who hide behind their anonymity and insult, belittle and threaten people to the point of making people commit suicide. yay you powerful person you being able to say that to their face .. not!
porn videos where young girls are actually raped, hurt and tortured again with sick assholes watching them.
stuff like harlem struggle and standing on a girls head while she's in doggy position and people who like to see and do this.
child pornography on the rise because there's too many sick bastards in the world, too many people catering to this shit and too many sicko fuck wits enjoying the pain and suffering of little children who didn't get to make the adult and informed choice of who they'd like to lose their virginity with!!!!
camel jockeys in the middle east, little boys stolen from their families to race on camels for rich men and end up killed or badly injured, oh and they're also raped by the camel trainers just to you know .. make their life so much fucking better.
we may think we outgrew the dark ages but clearly many fuckers out there didn't get the memo and are just as cruel today as people were back then, and many other folks enjoy seeing and accepting this cruelty - other wise it wouldn't sell .. right!
all because .. oh yeah .. people have the right to freedom of speech and being into what ever they choose - so long as it's not hurting anyone, so people say. and of course money talks so if you're rich you'll get away with this shit by buying your way out of trouble.
well it is hurting others and what are we as a collective doing about it? what are our governments going about it? perhaps its time to remove those rights and freedoms people so enjoy and make them have to earn their rights back? do sick things on the internet = lose your internet rights. naughty adults should be treated like a naught child - you get punished by having your stuff taken away from you when you don't behave and you get your stuff back if you be good ? ? ?
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