i like to keep it real. tell the truth. put it out there.
guys being allowed to sleep around and it's cool. i grew up on that bs and i'm sure nothings changed. girls are still sluts, skanky hos, whores, bitches blah blah.
when i was a naive teen my aunty told me she had a friend who slept with every boyfriend she had. aunty could have been talking about herself for all i know. naively, i was shocked. like wow really, she's so bad! what made her do such a thing?
i grew into that girl. and you know what. i wasn't bad. a slut, skanky ho, whore, bitch or anything like that. i was a daughter. be a mother and wife one day just like everybody else. i was just a girl who liked sleeping with the guys. i dated decent guys. they were nice, treated me well, had interesting personalities, bodies, faces. were all different in bed. learned something about them or myself. not all were good and there were many i didn't sleep with. only the ones i liked, were long term, direct about what they wanted.
thing is it isn't this big bad thing we all go on about. why ain't no one talking about that. why are we not teaching ourselves any different. it's not just ok for guys. they're so friggen scared that we want to be like them in that way - have sex. do they know something about themselves that we don't?
guess they know when their eyes or mind wander there is something behind it and heaven forbid us chicks be the same; think we're just about punished for being the same as men (they must really be bad). for me it doesn't mean anything so bad. seriously i just like guys. they're cool.
i like the idea of experiencing different personalities and styles. don't know what makes me this way or if it's a bad thing? curiosity? spontaneity? love of a good man?
i'm no more a slut than you. no more a bad person than you (and if you know you're bad punish yourself not the lasses).
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