the witch burning days are gone. so is throwing them in a river to see if they float. we no longer believe in evil witches, girls with moles on their necks, that need to be burned at the stake.
we're also no longer feeding catholics to the lions or watching public hangings and beheadings. no longer placing humans on stone slabs and removing their beating hearts to appease the gods. not lynching black slaves or pushing aborigines off cliffs.
we've come a long way. for all appearances we seem to have evolved into better human beings right.
not quite.
we're now pouring battery acid on women, stoning women to death, cutting up vaginas (and penises), hating on women, hating on each other. hating on gays. hating on races and religion (still). we've got a porn problem and women and children have becoming a commodity to sell use and abuse. women, girls and boys are for sale, like it or not, nothing you can do about it. we're kidnapping young girls and holding them hostage for days, torturing, raping and killing them in seriously bad ways. still marrying little girls to old men. still selling virgins to the highest bidder. we're treating women and children so badly and it has become the modern way. once upon a time women and children were the first off the titanic. now they're the first to be abused and hurt. coz we're hurting men too and they're fuckin pissed off.
maybe that shit went down in the dark ages too. always been that way.
we think we've evolved. if bad shit happened in the old days and it's still happening now we didn't evolve. if bad shit didn't happen in the old days and it's happening now we've devolved.
we're not superior beings either. if only a handful of the population are shitty and we can't stop them we're inferior. if only a handful of the population are shitty and we don't want to stop them we're inferior. if most of the population are shitty then we're inferior because we've already lost. more so if we can't or won't stop them.
we say the year 2013 like it's so advanced compared to 800AD. is it really?
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