The sexual revolution (also known as a time of "sexual
liberation") was a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships throughout the Western world from the 1960s to the 1980s. Sexual liberation included increased acceptance of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships (primarily marriage). Contraception and the pill, public nudity,
the normalization of premarital sex, homosexuality and alternative forms of sexuality, and the legalization of abortion
all followed. - Wikipedia
it's before my time and yet i am, we all are, affected by the sexual revolution fall out.
with violence, sexual exploitation and objectification of women increasing what ever they were trying to achieve with the sexual revolution hasn't worked. women are still seen as the lesser sex. yeah sure we have more women in power these days and this is getting better. but... objectification of women and girls has become so mainstream and widespread it's pandemic.
some of the stuff they rallied for are good things with good results. yes we should be able to say the word vagina, yes would should be focusing on women's sexual pleasure as much as mans. yes we should discuss the clitoris and have it written in Grey's Anatomy. women being able to access contraception, have rights over their own bodies. being able to have sex before marriage coz if it's alright for men it's alright for women. my dad was strict, not allowed to sleep with boys before marriage coz boys want to marry good girls. one time i asked him why boys could have sex before marriage and girls couldn't. he said boys want to be experienced in bed when they marry. i asked, if boys are having sex before marriage and girls have to be good then who are the boys sleeping with?
i knew things weren't equal and this wasn't right. if boys could have sex before marriage then girls should be allowed to as well. if a boy who slept around was a stud then a girl who slept around shouldn't be called a slut. stud is cool, slut is bad. i didn't like that.
supposedly we're more liberated and have more sexual freedom than other countries and yet we're still consider sluts if we sleep around, if we tart ourselves up the way we're taught guys want, when we appear in porn mags and films that guys make for guys? it doesn't feel liberated. it's feels like trapped in a vicious cycle.
i can't help but feel it's the public nudity
part that fucked things up, the stupid notion women came up with that we should be allowed to show off our sexuality by getting naked, coz supposedly this is the only way of showing we're sexual beings. huh? the way women chose to show women's sexuality is flawed. to me it feels like giving men exactly what they want and it back fired on us anyhow. probably coz men's attitudes towards women suck and we need to change their view of us first before we go all out with the nudity (oops too late). Christine Agulea made the video clip Dirty saying men are allowed to be sexual in their video clips (she used the reference of an r&b singer who has a female going down on him in his video clip), saying if guys can do it so can she. she wanted to show that women are equally sexual. couple things wrong with her logic. 1. guys are not being sexual when they objectifying women. 2. CA is objectifying herself and bringing other women down in the process, which is exactly the same thing as what the men are going to us.
shows that were on in the 70's were really sexist towards women. not really sure how sexual liberation has helped girls and women since then. seems things have only gotten worse.
that vicious cycle i speak of goes like this. women try to liberate their sexuality by fighting for rights to get naked. men turn this liberation back on us by sexing us up. they figured if we want sexual liberation they'll give it to us by taking away our power (and trying to reclaim their power because they see us being sexual beings as dis-empowering) by turning us into sex objects. if being a sex object is sexually liberating i want no part in it.
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