The sexual revolution (also known as a time of "sexual
liberation") was a social movement that challenged traditional codes of behavior related to sexuality and interpersonal relationships throughout the Western world from the 1960s to the 1980s. Sexual liberation included increased acceptance of sex outside of traditional heterosexual, monogamous relationships (primarily marriage). Contraception and the pill, public nudity,
the normalization of premarital sex, homosexuality and alternative forms of sexuality, and the legalization of abortion
all followed. - Wikipedia
it's before my time and yet i am, we all are, affected by the sexual revolution fall out.
with violence, sexual exploitation and objectification of women increasing what ever they were trying to achieve with the sexual revolution hasn't worked. women are still seen as the lesser sex. yeah sure we have more women in power these days and this is getting better. but... objectification of women and girls has become so mainstream and widespread it's pandemic.
some of the stuff they rallied for are good things with good results. yes we should be able to say the word vagina, yes would should be focusing on women's sexual pleasure as much as mans. yes we should discuss the clitoris and have it written in Grey's Anatomy. women being able to access contraception, have rights over their own bodies. being able to have sex before marriage coz if it's alright for men it's alright for women. my dad was strict, not allowed to sleep with boys before marriage coz boys want to marry good girls. one time i asked him why boys could have sex before marriage and girls couldn't. he said boys want to be experienced in bed when they marry. i asked, if boys are having sex before marriage and girls have to be good then who are the boys sleeping with?
i knew things weren't equal and this wasn't right. if boys could have sex before marriage then girls should be allowed to as well. if a boy who slept around was a stud then a girl who slept around shouldn't be called a slut. stud is cool, slut is bad. i didn't like that.
supposedly we're more liberated and have more sexual freedom than other countries and yet we're still consider sluts if we sleep around, if we tart ourselves up the way we're taught guys want, when we appear in porn mags and films that guys make for guys? it doesn't feel liberated. it's feels like trapped in a vicious cycle.
i can't help but feel it's the public nudity
part that fucked things up, the stupid notion women came up with that we should be allowed to show off our sexuality by getting naked, coz supposedly this is the only way of showing we're sexual beings. huh? the way women chose to show women's sexuality is flawed. to me it feels like giving men exactly what they want and it back fired on us anyhow. probably coz men's attitudes towards women suck and we need to change their view of us first before we go all out with the nudity (oops too late). Christine Agulea made the video clip Dirty saying men are allowed to be sexual in their video clips (she used the reference of an r&b singer who has a female going down on him in his video clip), saying if guys can do it so can she. she wanted to show that women are equally sexual. couple things wrong with her logic. 1. guys are not being sexual when they objectifying women. 2. CA is objectifying herself and bringing other women down in the process, which is exactly the same thing as what the men are going to us.
shows that were on in the 70's were really sexist towards women. not really sure how sexual liberation has helped girls and women since then. seems things have only gotten worse.
that vicious cycle i speak of goes like this. women try to liberate their sexuality by fighting for rights to get naked. men turn this liberation back on us by sexing us up. they figured if we want sexual liberation they'll give it to us by taking away our power (and trying to reclaim their power because they see us being sexual beings as dis-empowering) by turning us into sex objects. if being a sex object is sexually liberating i want no part in it.
the ramblings and opinions of one female living life on this crazy planet called Earth
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
rage against the machine
they think i'm stupid you know. they think i was too young to know what was going on. they think that little girls, and boys, aren't aware of the adult world and how it shapes us. but i knew. i knew the whole time.
i knew every nude scene and sex scene i ever saw was one sided. i knew it was uneven and unfair. i knew it made me skirmish and get a knot in my tummy. nothing happened to me when i was little. i was never molested. sex was not taught to be a bad thing. i had no ideas about sex and nudity. i just knew what i saw was uneven and unfair and it didn't like it.
now i'm grown up and it's still the same shit and it still pisses me off to the point of wanting to rage against the machine. chop some heads off. make heads roll. change the fucken world and the way things are done.
i get told i'm a prude who doesn't like sex.
wiki: A prude (Old French prude meaning honourable woman) [1] is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing community standards. They may be perceived as being more uncomfortable than most with sexuality or nudity.
i'm not a prude. i do like to have decorum and class but i'm no prude. you only need read my blog to see. i've got a handful of provocative pics on here as well as sharing sexual fantasies. i love sexuality and nudity. i like sex and i like being creative, role playing, sexy dancing, putting on a show. in fact i do more sexy things than my friends do. i'm comfortable with my body and being naked in front of people.
i get told nudity is normal. well in point of fact female nudity is normal. male nudity is not. so nudity is not really normal. it is one sided.
i get told men's bodies are too gross to be seen naked. females have beautiful bodies (and therefore should be on display?) um, you're only saying that because you're a fat ugly man who doesn't think his body is worthy of anybody seeing. or your husband is fat and ugly and you wish he'd keep his clothes on. it's all cock and bollocks (bullshit incase you miss it). men's bodies are equally as alluring and there are many bodies worthy of being seen. equally as hot. men are strong, masculine beasts who should be on display just as much as females if not more. stop hiding behind the ugly card and get your fucken clothes off you cowards.
i get told sex sells. well duh. but here's the thing it also sells to women. lesbians have said they like the nudity factor. well of course they do. they're getting what they want and men are getting what they want. but (non gay) women aren't getting what they want, what they're entitled to. and men wonder why we're so pissed off about female nudity. it's because we don't get the same privilege and it's bullshit.
i get told, "the man was naked too". yeah from behind. i got to see his arse. whoopy fucken do. i see the girls boobs, her pubic area. and i see his bloody bum. or get a 2 second screen shot of a blurry dick. big thrills!
as soon as i see a show when the woman gets her gear off and the man doesn't, or all i see is his arse while she is fully nude, or the woman does full frontal nudity i want to start shooting people. ok not really but i would like to take apart or take down the sexist unequal misogynistic chauvinistic industry.
i get told i'm crazy too. actually it is a fair and reasonable request that both male and female nudity be given the same amount of air time. not 2 minutes for her, 2 seconds for him. if the female does full frontal nudity for 10.3 seconds so should the man. if all we see is a male buttocks then that's all we should get of the female. and eye for an eye a sexual body part for a sexual body part. if we get to see tits and vaginas then bring out the dicks. in fact as soon as tits are out we should be seeing a male sexual organ since boobs are a sexual organ (let's not kid ourselves and pretend they're not - coz if they weren't you all [men] wouldn't be so bloody eager to see them).
stop hiding behind the bullshit and lies and get honest with yourselves. there is some other reason, agenda, why women are naked all the time and men aren't. time to turn the tables and make it even.
i knew every nude scene and sex scene i ever saw was one sided. i knew it was uneven and unfair. i knew it made me skirmish and get a knot in my tummy. nothing happened to me when i was little. i was never molested. sex was not taught to be a bad thing. i had no ideas about sex and nudity. i just knew what i saw was uneven and unfair and it didn't like it.
now i'm grown up and it's still the same shit and it still pisses me off to the point of wanting to rage against the machine. chop some heads off. make heads roll. change the fucken world and the way things are done.
i get told i'm a prude who doesn't like sex.
wiki: A prude (Old French prude meaning honourable woman) [1] is a person who is described as (or would describe themselves as) being concerned with decorum or propriety, significantly in excess of normal prevailing community standards. They may be perceived as being more uncomfortable than most with sexuality or nudity.
i'm not a prude. i do like to have decorum and class but i'm no prude. you only need read my blog to see. i've got a handful of provocative pics on here as well as sharing sexual fantasies. i love sexuality and nudity. i like sex and i like being creative, role playing, sexy dancing, putting on a show. in fact i do more sexy things than my friends do. i'm comfortable with my body and being naked in front of people.
i get told nudity is normal. well in point of fact female nudity is normal. male nudity is not. so nudity is not really normal. it is one sided.
i get told men's bodies are too gross to be seen naked. females have beautiful bodies (and therefore should be on display?) um, you're only saying that because you're a fat ugly man who doesn't think his body is worthy of anybody seeing. or your husband is fat and ugly and you wish he'd keep his clothes on. it's all cock and bollocks (bullshit incase you miss it). men's bodies are equally as alluring and there are many bodies worthy of being seen. equally as hot. men are strong, masculine beasts who should be on display just as much as females if not more. stop hiding behind the ugly card and get your fucken clothes off you cowards.
i get told sex sells. well duh. but here's the thing it also sells to women. lesbians have said they like the nudity factor. well of course they do. they're getting what they want and men are getting what they want. but (non gay) women aren't getting what they want, what they're entitled to. and men wonder why we're so pissed off about female nudity. it's because we don't get the same privilege and it's bullshit.
i get told, "the man was naked too". yeah from behind. i got to see his arse. whoopy fucken do. i see the girls boobs, her pubic area. and i see his bloody bum. or get a 2 second screen shot of a blurry dick. big thrills!
as soon as i see a show when the woman gets her gear off and the man doesn't, or all i see is his arse while she is fully nude, or the woman does full frontal nudity i want to start shooting people. ok not really but i would like to take apart or take down the sexist unequal misogynistic chauvinistic industry.
i get told i'm crazy too. actually it is a fair and reasonable request that both male and female nudity be given the same amount of air time. not 2 minutes for her, 2 seconds for him. if the female does full frontal nudity for 10.3 seconds so should the man. if all we see is a male buttocks then that's all we should get of the female. and eye for an eye a sexual body part for a sexual body part. if we get to see tits and vaginas then bring out the dicks. in fact as soon as tits are out we should be seeing a male sexual organ since boobs are a sexual organ (let's not kid ourselves and pretend they're not - coz if they weren't you all [men] wouldn't be so bloody eager to see them).
stop hiding behind the bullshit and lies and get honest with yourselves. there is some other reason, agenda, why women are naked all the time and men aren't. time to turn the tables and make it even.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
what tv teaches us
- it is ok for a woman to verbally abuse, insult and belittle a man and treat him like a idiot - this is our way of paying men back for the sexism we've lived under for generations
- to be liked as a woman you must be sexy, slim, big breasted and a tart
- it's perfectly normal for women to be undressed while men remain dressed
- 1: maybe the female form is something to be revered and idolized
- 2: maybe it's a way to keep women under control by sexualizing and objectifying them, a punishment for women saying they want sexual freedom and equality
- if you're a geek you'll get a hot babe if you use the right aftershave
- ugly overweight men get hot chicks
- hot chicks date ugly overweight men
- men are ugly, women are hot
- music clips are about adult themes, mild course language, mild violence, sexual references - and it is ok to show them during prime time children's viewing
- if you're a guy featuring a half naked women in your music clip you're successful
- men like, want and admire sexy women who get naked (they don't disrespect them for being shanks)
- girls are always ready for sex
- a kiss gets both parties in the mood for sex
- no need for foreplay
- young girls must grow up wanting to get naked and have sex
- young boys must obsess about sex because it is the ONLY thing worth while in life
- posting your own porn video will make you famous, admired, envied (even though we all have sex and it ain't that big of a deal)
- crime pays - Underbelly teaches us that; drugs, money, mafia all equal lots of sex
- lots of sex is success
- if you're a man you don't need to be good looking to be great
- if you're a woman you need to be good looking to be worthwhile
- even if you're a beautiful woman you will never be enough to satisfy your man's sexual and visual appetite, pity to all women who aren't good looking because you will not even nearly be enough to satisfy your man
- if you can't please your man you're a failure as a woman (yet his sexual appetite is insatiable and you'll never be enough)
- if you're a man and you don't treat women like sex objects you're a failure
- if you're a man and you don't raise your sons to objectify women you're a failure
- it's a woman job to raise her daughters to treat men like idiots, to nag and find fault and hate and judge
- yet you have to be sexy at the same time or else men won't want you
- if you're a man and you're rich you'll get the woman and that equals success
- all Americans live in large multistory houses that are immaculately clean
- if you can't keep your house clean you're a failure as a woman
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