Driving along a disused train track to a camp site to meet some friends, I go through a grass patch only to realize, a little too late, that it's actually a bog. Too late to go back now and no way to turn around I drive on though. Only there is a branch in the bog and once my front tire hits the branch the car stops and the wheels start spinning.
I'm up shit creek without a paddle. Getting out I can see there is no way to get out of the bog by myself so I set off walking back along the train track, back to the nearest town to look for someone who can help. The walk takes ages. The disused train track parallels a country road with the odd car driving past however there are vast long grass meadows between me and the road and crossing through those meadows means risking snake bite and some contain bulls. So I walk and walk finally coming across a meadow that has been used recently, there is a track where a truck has driven from one end of the meadow to the other. I cross that meadow then walk along the road until I come to the nearest farm house.
A woman is home and she goes off to fetch her husband. They drive me in their four wheel drive back to my bogged car and proceed to tie a rope from vehicle to vehicle. The husband is crouched down near the back tired of my car while his wife is over at their vehicle securing the rope. The husband tells me we need a knife because the rear mud flap is stuck in debris which will impede the car from being pulled out.
"I've got a knife" I tell the husband. Suddenly he sits up and looks at me wide eyed and fearful, looks back at his wife for a moment then back at me. When he realized I don't mean on me right at that point in time he relaxes a little. I fetch the knife from inside my console and pass it to him.
For a moment there he panicked and thought he'd stumbled across some psycho car bogging, husband and wife nabbing serial killer.
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