If the only way you can get a girl in bed is to wait until she's asleep you're a LOSER!
Even was friends with my abusive ex. He seemed alright at first. Less aggressive and angry than my ex anyway so I thought he was ok. The three of us had hung at my joint a few times watching footy.
One night my ex and Even decide he'll stay over and we crash out in my double bed. I slept close to my boyfriend even though I was worried he might try sex stuff with me when his mate was beside in the bed. Then again he wasn't one for sharing, too jealous.
My boyfriend nodded off and I began to doze then his mate Evan starts trying to molest me. I move away. He keeps trying. I figure he better watch himself because all I need to do is wake my boyfriend and if he finds out Even will be dead. Even keeps trying to grab at my crouch and touch me. So I wake my boyfriend accidentally (deliberately) and Even stops. I turn to face Even and get my boyfriend to spoon me, putting a body space in between Evan and myself. Even tries to touch me again but my boyfreinds arm around me makes him stop.
I never spoke about it with my boyfriend. He would have gotten mad with me and abused me. I never let Even stay over after that either.
Years and years later I pump into Even with some of his mates at a night club. He looks much the same. Long black hair, nice face, lean. He still has that slightly creepy look to him though I shrug it off and put it down to the shit upbringing he had.
We all hang out together, his mates and mine and at the end of the night we all go back to my joint to party on some more. Actually we just talked until we were too tired then crashed out. No sooner is everyone asleep when Even creeps into my bedroom. I'm in bed with my best friend beside me. I'm awake and know he's coming. He lies beside me and starts trying to molest me. I'm shoving his hands away, rejecting him, pushing him off me. In the end I get up and leave my room to camp out in the lounge room with the others. Even picks me up and carries me back to my room and the molesting and resisting start again.
I get really pissed off with him because I want to sleep but I'm too afraid. In hind site I'd loved to have taken him outside and locked him out of the house. Instead I wrap myself up in a duvet like a cocoon and nod off. I wake moments later to find the guy has gotten his hand up the duvet and in between my legs. This time I whack him off me, shove him out of the room and find a way to lock the door.
Weeks later he knocks on my door and is met with a COLD reception. The house mates I live with know what he's done and who he is and want to go outside and mess him up. Even is aware of the fuss inside the house and becomes uneasy. I tell him he needs to leave and never come back.
And that is Evan the sleep molester who can only get girls when they're asleep. Gross.
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