They all introduced themselves. Billy who was Chinese, though she spoke more Chinese than he did which told her he was born here and didn't speak his native tongue much. Nick (she loved that name) was Philippian and just a little bit good looking with a radiant smile and friendly contagious personality. Chris was Indian with a lean dark body and a mass of wavy dark hair. The blond girl in the hoodie was Jenna. Jenna walked over to the other picnic table when she, the new girl in black, arrived. Apparently Jenna was tripping and wanted to be alone. Although there were other people at the other picnic table, also shy and not joining in with the more talkative bunch.
Billy was the one who was the most chatty with her. He wore a white shirt with a lilac tie (he told her the colour since she couldn't tell in the dark) and drove what he called a silver 'Beamer'. Of course they asked what she was doing out and about at night time. She couldn't sleep. The rest of her house mates had gone to bed and she felt antsy and caged so she'd gone for a walk.
a walk in the park |
She asked the guy in the white shirt if he was their go to man, since he had on a business shirt and drover a BMW. They wanted to know if she was a cop. She laughed and said no, adding that she does drive a car that looks like an undercover cop car, more laughter, still she promised she was not a cop. Again they asked what she was doing walking around at night. She said escaping and they asked her what she had to escape from. To them she appeared to be the type to having nothing to escape. Everyone has something to escape from, she said, such as having this one job but wishing you had some other job. Yes! They could all relate and laughed about how she was just like them.
After some time they offered her a smoke and she said yes. Using some smoking tool she'd never seen the likes of. It was good stuff. Smooth. She still sipped her drink periodically. A strong drink she'd never heard of before. It might have had the number 12 on it.
At some stage she gave her mobile number to Billy, remarking about the randomness of her walk and stumbling across them (what she considered to be like minded people). Of all the times she used to walk around she'd never seen anyone at the park after dark. Maybe they might meet up again?
Later a Japanese guy came over to say hi, his name was Steve. He was gone away with the fairies. Apparently he'd come over because he was interested in the new girl in black. Yet he didn't speak a word. Too shy to even look at her, or too gone. Some how they all got the Japanese guy to talk then left her alone with him. They talked about the difference between revenge and betrayal. Her saying betrayal is worse, it's more calculated and methodical. He was quite intense this Japanese guy, until he seemed to fall asleep standing. She took this as her cue to go, and leave them all be. She called out bye and headed of.
On her way back home she paid careful attention to whether she was followed or not. She wasn't. They all stayed behind at the pavilion enjoying the rest of their night. She smiled to herself thinking what good fortune it was to stumble across them and be able to hang with them for a while. They could have been bad people yet she was lucky, they were nice and friendly. A fun way to end a restless night.
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