lesbifriends |
Silly since I have friends who are lesbians and they don't look butch or manly.
Anyway, one time I was at a club and this blond chick in a business suit, with a bob and glasses comes up to me asking me the same old question. What am I doing in a place like that? Do I come there often? And all that jazz. At the start I'm polight, not interested though. She's on me asking questions and then she's got one hand against the wall beside me getting all sorts of cozy. When I go to move away she's got both hands against the wall on either side of me and this shits me. I tell her she needs to back off. She's not having it. She's still in my face trying to pick me up with her charm. Failing! Telling me I'm really pretty and she's going to kiss me. Not having it, I tell her she needs to back away before I lose my cool. Try and kiss me and you'll regret it I say. This chick doesn't care. All over me no matter what I say. All over me even though I've got hands on her shoulders pushing her back. She's trying to move in for the the kiss. I've got my head turned beginning to get physical, prepared to go ape if I have to. I can see a bouncer across the way doing diddly shit to help. Eventually her friends come over, pull her away, apologize telling me she's had too much to drink. Good on her. I don't care, just get her the hell away from me.
Go to a bar with a short, chubby friend with short spiked hair. She looks like a lesbian but is a molested child who gets drunk a lot and then becomes loud and in your face. Sweet yet damaged. Get to the bar and do the lesbians pick her up? No. They're leavin her alone. I'm the one who gets hit on. Not by any spunky chicks. They're smart enough - not desperate enough - to realize I ain't batting for their team. This unattractive Indian chick (not that I care, just saying) in a purple valuer tracksuit, short hair, all hunched over, keeping her left hand inside her jacket pocket as if she's got something to hide; picks me up. Begins with the usual pick up lines, name, whereabouts, come here often type stuff. It's clear from the get go what she wants. I ain't buying. Yeah I'm polite and still really clear I'm not interested. I've got a man, just here with a friend, no I don't want a drink thank you. All night she keeps asking me if she can buy me a drink. Gets desperate and insisting towards the middle of the night. Just makes me more un-trusting of her and her hand in her pocket. Guess you could call me paranoid, or just cautious. I was driving and don't drink and drive. Was never going to take her up on her offer no matter what. Get my friend to talk to her that doesn't work. End up having to have words and saying I ain't going to change my mind, I don't want a drink, just here to dance please leave me alone. She listens on my 2nd take.
The place I met J. Young skinny long black hair. Cutter than a button. Hyper as. Walking along just minding my business when this girl, who's like my mirror image, comes up to me and just kisses me. I'm like wow! First time ever a chick ever kissed me. And bloody cute too. When she's finished, and I just go with the flow, I ask her why? She points to some cute guy with long dark hair her friend is trying to pick up. He's had his eye on me and I've been keeping the options with him open. While she was kissing me her friend moved in on this guy. It was all a strategy to side track me and give her friend a chance. Afterwards he beckons me over and asks me if she is my girlfriend, the girl I kissed. I keep him guessing. He asks for my number, I give it, and I'm done. Left thinking about how cute that girl was. Am I batting for the wrong team. Not coz she's cute. Coz this was number 1 in order of how these stories go. At the time I was really starting to doubt men were my thing because they were always so asshole and I couldn't tell if I could put up with their shit at this stage. So she seemed optional. I knew the next day it wasn't to be. Still might have been a bit fun??
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