around 7 million years ago we separated from our chimpanzee cousins with whom we share 98.4% of our genetics. by the time neanderthals came along 100,000 years ago we were wearing clothes, even more so by the time cro-magnon came along.
as we evolved with bigger brains, smarter tools, clever inventions, large cities .. clothing became a necessary thing for survival. not just to protect us from the elements but also protect us from each other. even those who live in hot climates still wear some form of protective clothing such as loin cloths and basic skirts to protect / hide the groin area.
think about it, if any man, woman or child walked through our populations naked they'd be harassed in some form or another, maybe people would take photos of them without their permission and post them on facebook pages like 'festival sluts' (yes pages like that exist), maybe people would try to grab and grope them or covet them. either they'd be seen as inappropriate, offensive or sexual.
over thousands of years humans developed clothing to protect us from unwanted and unwarranted attention from those with whom we have not pair bonded. we pair bond, just like other animals such as birds and gibbons, with kindred spirits whom we feel comfortable enough with to raise children together with or spend the rest of our lives with (until divorce or death do us part). without clothing we'd not be giving that person something special and personal of ourselves with which to bond. sex and nakedness with our chosen partner(s) is what ties us together, what bonds us to each other and makes us want to protect and look after each other.
since the 70's sexual revolution man has decided that he'll grant us (females) the freedom to be sexual on his terms, by making female sexual revolution about females as sex objects for man's enjoyment. women are highly sexualised and this is also becoming more prevalent of men as well. so in the space of under 50 years we have changed thousands and thousands of years of evolutionary survival (clothing), to humans (mostly females) wearing very little i.e: bikinis, free the nipple, pornography, music videos, lads mags, strip shows .. the list goes on.
it's no wonder we haven't been able to cope with the fall out from this occurrence, less than 50 years is not enough time to get our heads around such a dramatic change to our very being. the very act of removing our clothing threatens our survival (in particular the safety of women and children).
for e.g. i worked with a man who liked to watch russian women do sexual things with horses and he'd laugh about how their abject poverty was the reason they were so desperate to do horrendous things like that. in cases like this pornography is harmful to women and threatens our safety.
in countries such as germany men and women can attend public spas together naked and say this is progressive, open and accepting of nudity, yet violence towards women is still rife there, as is sexual objectification, prostitution etc. it hasn't lead to women being on equal footing to men or being more safe because they are equally allowed to be naked around men. quite the opposite in fact: since prostitution is legal in germany sex trafficking is rampant because the need for male sexual gratification is rising along with financial greed (by those trafficking people).
as objectification of the masses rises the list of offenses towards humanity (and animals caught in the cross fire) also rises. there are a million and one examples that could be given about the damage being done to humanity due to the sexualisation of people, and there are people who would argue that we are being progressive and accepting of sexuality by allowing sexual vulgarities to take place.
but you can't change thousands and thousands of years of evolution in under 50 years and expect people to be able to cope, especially something so key to our safety and survival as the humble invention of clothing. think: sex addiction, fairly new to our society and only occurring in countries where objectification of people occurs.